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Rainy night shot of board walk along side the Grand River


This was a 2-minute exposure on TMX-100 (processed in Microdol-X), and was long enough to drench my clothes, and camera. I've been working on a series of 'noir' looking images and I feel I've been very succesfull with most of them. Shooting in cold drizzle in the middle of the night is something I don't think even Bogey himself would put up with though.

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Scott you done well,your soaking was worth it to come away with the print that you have, surprized you have not had more rating, love the tones the photo has a classie feel to it.
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This photo really draws me in! The tone, the lights, the curves. Just the feeling of it. Thanks for the look.
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I more or less found the picture good until I read the part that you were going for a "noir" effect.


It is indeed "noir", specifically in the bottom right and left hand parts of the picture. I'm sure you could have zoned the picture better to get more detail there and you would still have succeeded at getter that "noir" feel.


But hey, with that rain and all, I understand how hard it is. Those rainy nights are the best to get the most details in a night shot in the city but they are also the most unpleasant and difficult situations to work in.


Bravo, it is a good picture.



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It is indeed "noir", specifically in the bottom right and left hand parts of the picture.

Way ahead of you. When I pulled more shadow detail up in the corners the image kind of flattened in terms of perspective and lost some of the draw down the center. So, I left it as is. I already have a buyer for a digital 40x60 print that will go up in a local nightclub, and I'll let him see both versions. He'll probably go for the version you describe which makes more logical sense in a bigger reflective print, but loses some visual tension on screen. I also learned (or confirmed) that XP-2 is the far better matierial for this kind of shot. TMX wins out on sharpness, but it's too difficult to nurse up the shadow details that XP-2 does naturally.

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while indeed the photograph is nicely executed, you are not saying anything new with it. you should use your expertise to create images that do more than just describe nostalgic events for people who have never even lived through them.
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but maybe for those who never lived through said nostalgiac events this is new.


lovely shot.

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To be honest Scott, I've always appreciated prints with a goodly amount of d-max present. I kind of consider it a "visual anchor", giving the rest of the tones a springboard from which to jump. So to me the lower right hand darkness is superb. I know that the work you did here was tiresome, but I hope you continue to pursue the silver based neg-noir avenue. Plus the small-ap starburst flare seems to be Really well controlled in this example, as compared to the chromogenic of the same genre.
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this image has many wonderful elements in it - in fact, too many! the sweep of the walkway is nice, as is the distant bridge and the lights along the building. but they're all screaming, "look at me! i'm prettier!" if a few of them would quiet down allowing one to stand out, it would make for a much stronger image.
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