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arrows of desire


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I like a lot the theme fit here. Deforestation for the love of money. Maybe that wood was used to print the dollars the entrepreneur received for the wood he cut.


Aesthetically, I think more depth of field would be good so we can see more of the remains of the trees that were cut. Also, a little more emphasis on the dollar would help. Otherwise, I think the choice of black and white is really appropriate for this kind of photo.


Good job PT.

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Very good theme fit - a bit sad, too: destruction for money.


I agree with Stephane that a bit more DOF might have worked to your advantage, PT. The weed in the near background is a bit distracting, but for this theme, it really doesn't matter. Nice job.

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Great idea, great theme fit, though it took me a while to get it. The DOF comments are correct, and I would also like to see the dollar bill more clearly.


Great submission for a difficult theme.



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PT agrees that the DOF choice could have been improved, and reproached themself on seeing the negs. PT does wonder, however, whether more DOF would have been at the risk of letting the clutter on the lower left become too distracting. PT also over-exposed the dollar bill in the lower right and had to rescue it with PS.


The two attached images show a slightly different approach. PT chose this image from the two attached because PT liked the way that the upright splinters on the cut trunk in the foreground were repeated in the trees on the horizon - maybe PT was over-analyzing.

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I like the DOF just as it is. It gives a more impressionist feeling. You know what's back there and there is enough detail to confirm it. I wouldn't change a thing, even though PT says they would have liked more DOF.


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This is so uninterestigly executed image, that actually attracts attention. By being too plain, people start looking at it closely and search for messages. The final words: ugly, but effective (in a way) jana

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I'm going to disagree on the more dof. There is nothing left after a clear cut and thus the background should be as is empty, blurred, bleak, unintelligable to the eye- its not natural and should not be understood thus the feeling of not exactly understanding the background has a use here. However, this could just be a house site and the message could be about building/developing urban sprawl.


I get the whole dollar thing but it wasnt cut down for a mere dollar and I think by having a lonely bill as such it doesnt quite get the full point across. Perhaps if you could tell it was money but not the amount it would be more pleasing - to me at least.


I'd write more but I have to go put another piece of wood in the woodstove.

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