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Old Bailey, London


50mm, f1.4

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There are so many things I love about this photo. The angle this shot was taken from confuses me when I study the picture. The statue and the man look perfectly vertical, but the tiles below the statue make me wonder if they are. The arches look symetrical in the composition, but their median, the statue, is left of center, which I think is perfectly balanced by the man looking over the railing. The light coming in from right to left is great and I love the exposure given the windows, the man and the statue. Seeing this inspires me to try and find my better shots because I don't believe I would have produced a shot I love as much as this one if I had been in that situation.
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I don't think this is an imitation Henri's work. I don't think this is poor, too! You have a good eye for this kind of photos and you do it perfectly!
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Poor imitation my arse!

Tony, I have several of HCB's books and would say that he is probably my favorite of all time. I found these photos to be so similar to his spirit adn style that a few you have to double check for his his little squiggle signature...

The only difference that I can see that would go against the HCB comparisons is the fact that of few of teh selections here are cropped, and we all know how he felt about that.

I say, you should make calendars from these works and give them to your freinds and family for the holidays... but if you do, make sure you send me one too!!


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When I wrote my comment about the folder I had actually only opened the first half and just scanned over the rest in their thumbnail form. I had assumed that the few on the bottom had been cropped because of their elongated shape, of course after looking at all the photos up close I realize that they were shot on panorama. My apologies.


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This comment is for your whole portfolio...your work is full of life, technically exciting but NOT too perfect, there is air and motion and above all, good humor here, and that is the hardest thing in photography to find. Carry on! Hope to meet you someday! Brian Berry
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It reminds me of a XIX century pencil drawing. The light, the mood, the tonality. I've been looking at this picture for a good quarter of an hour now and just can't take my eyes off it. It evokes some kind of nostalgia and calms, calms me down.
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I know, I'm being pedantic....it's the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand, no? The Old Bailey (the Central Criminal Court) is up the road a bit. The High Court sits at the RCJ along with the Court of Appeal etc., etc. Just thought, you know, in case anybody wanted to visit and emulate your photo. Although it would be a criminal offence under the Contempt of Court Act 1981. By the way, it was an offence also in 1975....you have the right to remain silent..... Ok, I'll shut up now.
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