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The Suicide


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This is an idea I've been picturin for a while in my head. It started

while working on a phsichopathology book, when I had to read about 20

pages about suicide. Really depressing... :(

Anyway, the idea changed a few times, until I came to this. I hope you

like it, I put a lot of work in it and a meaning in every little


Thank you for your time!



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I don't know what kind of details I could give so as not to influence what one feels about this image. I tried to tell everything through the image itself. There is a whole philosophy about suicide, many ideas met in my head, along with those 20 pages of scientifical explanations and categorizations... And I met three people that commited suicide.
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I normally don't come to this particular critque forum but am sure glad I did...I really like it. Keep up the good work. Peace, Annie
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Intriguing! Did you meet those three people after they committed suicide? Striking and thought-provoking image.
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Hi - still love the photo. I wasn't questioning the philosophy behind it as much as I was curious about the technique of how you composed the picture and created it. Are there seperate photos here? Did you treat it in Corel or PS?
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Juan, I'm not going to comment upon meanings more than I already did. It's your job as a viewer to do that :)


Thomas, the three people actually died after that episodes! I might seem crazy sometimes, but I don't meet dead people :)


Bill: there are 7 different photos involved in this picture + the texture ones, assembled in PS; countless layers and a 100 Mb file :) My first attempt was to take this picture as one photo, but I just couldn't find the proper place.


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I don't think you seem crazy, at any time, and I wasn't being impertinent. This is a wonderful image that speaks for itself.

You have done a great job here.

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I just read your biography here at Photo.net and interestingly, I came from painting to photography, and am now returning to painting. You have made the transition most successfully.
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faina de-a binelea! una dintre cele mai bune imagini de genu asta [adica prelucrari din astea cu o idee, daca se poate zicea asa ceva] pe care le-am vazut :)
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This image is making a very disturbing matter look good. You are presenting death in such a tranquillest way.
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This could just as easily be titled "The Wedding". It is esthetically so pleasing that I don't read "suicide" anywhere, except the title.

Imagine this with no title and the viewer actually has to look at the image and open his mind to it.

I also think you've taken away a good deal of its value by printing your name on it. I think you could crop the bottom of the frame just above your name and make a much stronger statement, too. You will bring the main subject to the foregrond and make it much more dramatic. You worked too hard to bury it in the distance as it is here.

Next time you show it, just show the photograph and people will remember it and remember you for the unique work you do. You can probably tell that I like the photograph a lot and I think you should let your work speak for itself and for you.

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