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So, what about my upstair tenant?


Uncropped - No PS

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Thanks for your comments on Catterpillar - 1. This photograph by your is lovely, good colour details, proper natural lighting angle and well composed.
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A most extraordinary shoot. I can't understand the ratings they have been given to you. Forget them. Sometimes the ratings don't mean a thing. Congratiolations and thanks for sharing. Thank you for your comment on my photo. best regards
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Cory, Rabinder, Bruno, Ellen, Alec, Birte for your time. Bruno, agree with you on ratings. Birte, he has several friends, frogs and lizards - can certainly meet your frogs...


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Best shot of all your pics.


Just a little bit more sharpness...If you would have moved a little bit to the left the frog would have been framed by the leaves and would sit in that field of soft dark green diffus background.





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For your kind viewing & comments. These guys fly (literally) very fast once disturbed. I spotted this inch fellow at night without tripod and did not want to use flash. There was a small porch light atop of him/her. I had enough time to snap a few shots. Nearly all were blurry except this one. This is also the only one I caught his friend sitting above him. Wish I could frame him better. Uncropped and untouched. Cheers.
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