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Sunny afternoon. Got out to find some wild mushrooms but could not find any. So, I decided to have a coffee in a tiny village near the Portuguese border. Four ladies were getting into the square after their sunday strall. One of them was this lady, Gregoria, who is going to be in a couple of months 101 years old. Lives on her own, she cooks for herself, got bad temper and, once she got confident and opened her mind she was like an encyclopedia. Coffee was this time better than never before.

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An absolutely amazing portrait. Her character is very engaging to the point of knowing her. Great story on her also. But what made me look was her 9 fingers coming out the frame. This is my favorite portrait of all. Regards
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oh, what a wonderful natural portrait of this Amazing Old Woman :):)


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Esta foto resalta dos cosas... 1)lo que te puede hacer unos cuanto inviernos salmantinos y 2)como te puede conservar de esos inviernos unos vinitos y algun que otro platito de jamon! :-) Me encanta la intimidad que nos da esta foto y a mi por lo menos, me deja con unas ganas increibles de saber las historias que haya pasado por esos ojos y esas manos. Creo que aqui la tecnica de "enmarcar" ha funcionado de las dos maneras. En positivo, rara vez he visto una foto asi de tri dimensional pero en negativo... esta foto esta tan bien hecha y enmarcado et.c.. que sobra un poco el truco. Es una preciosidad de foto y me alegro que nos la hayas presentado. Saludos, jeff

p.d, hace un par de meses pase' por tus tierras y poco a poco voy anyadienlas al portfolio. Bienvenido si te apetece echar un vistazo

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Estupenda foto desde cualquier punto de vista. Genial. El marco excelente dandole una autentica apariencia tridimensional. Enhorabuena: Jose
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Very nice picture, so powerfull and unique.I love to know her story.It's engaging ,that is exactly what a portrait should be .
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I love what you did with the hands, such a fascinating portrait and very original. It is interesting & wonderful that she still wears earings. I agree it is a very engaging photo. Very well done!


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Sr. Angel Hernᮤez una vez visto toda su obra, me gusta mejor que llamarla su galeria sin ninguna duda es lo mejor que he visto hasta la fecha, tanto el antes como el despué³ es de una categoria extraordinaria, sois la gente con la que me gusta aprender, mi pasi�n mas que hobby es la fotografí¡ por lo que todo elogio es poco ante semejante mont�n de obras de arte, supongo que dirá ¥ste seguro es de Sevilla y tela de exagerado, sevillano sí °ero no lo segundo, felicitaciones y me quedo con su direcci�n a la espera de má³ arte.


José uerrero

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I hope you do not take this the wrong way, but I do not share the general enthusiasm about this picture. Great exposure, sure. Good composition, yes. Excellent framing, no doubt. But, WHAT is the subject of this picture? It's not a still life or an abstract picture of a wall. It's a living, breathing human being. Ask yourself this question: do you think SHE would be pleased with this picture? Do you think she would be flattered to see every pore and blemish on her skin displayed for the world to see? Would her children be?


I have done a lot of portraits of people of all ages, and no matter the setting, I've ALWAYS photographed with the idea that I want the finished product to be pleasing to the subject. I do not approach people as curiousities, and even when I shot homeless people, I have always operated under the assumption that that person has integrity and feelings.


This poor woman, IMO, is presented to the viewer as a curiousity or side show. Perhaps, you did not intend it so--in fact, I'm almost sure you did not--but it comes across that way, like a Diane Arbus or Lisette Model picture. Again, I hope you do not take this the wrong way, but you did ask for a critique of the picture.

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