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Deck Chair


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First thought is that desaturation (or is this film? no hints in the tech. det.) hides the need for a paintwork...but this (the paintwork) we discussed another time.


The flow of this is great. I am hooked by the Right->Left sloping piece of iron, which ends up into the wood texture, for a fast spin around, and back into the iron and so on: sorts of looking into a highway from high above.


I suppose you moved the chair expressely to get that...did you?


The justapoxition of the iron/wood texture and the other diagonal lines between the wood planks at ever-changing angles with the iron structure are also interesting, but what really tops it is the three-dimensionality added by the shadows.


One of your finest pieces...now, paintwork apart, why did you desaturate it? I understand this gives more relevance to said shapes, but I feel longing for some warm hues (wood,paintwork,rust) to it...

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I have a color version of this subject in my singles folder. A bit over the top, actually, and frankly I prefer this one. Since the chair is only a few feet away from me at the moment, I can shoot it easily, although the shadows appear only in the morning.


What's been hard about these compositions is that no matter how I arranged the chairs and table, there had been bright spots which required burning and end up looking unnatural. The lighting in this shot has a mottled effect because the soft mesh pattern from the table covers the whole frame.


All shot with my KM A2.

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I remember well the colour version, but that was with a different arrangement of things, and that's why I wondered about how this one would look with those warm tones. I like that one a lot, and I do not think it's too extreme.


I think the fact is that I know that the colours are strong, after having seen the other image, and therefore in just looking at the lines and shapes in this one, I long for colour. I guess that, had I not known about the colours before, I would not feel this longing for them: strange effect.

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A nice criss-cross of diagonals and radial patterns Carl. It has a primordial feel created by the main curve and its shadow. I especially like the geometric arrangements into the corners.
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