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5 <b>Naked </b>Chicks


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Wilson Tsoi requested more photos of Hong Kong life. This is more Hong Kong death. Oh well! He doesn't photograph nudes and so I hope this image does not offend him or anyone else.


Feedback appreciated.

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As a member of PETA and a vegan I am deeply offended by this photo and demand that Brian remove it immediately. Until then I'll have a beer and a ham sandwich.
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What an interesting image. My naked "chicks" come wrapped in plastic in the poultry section of Krogers. Very, very dull & boring! I like this display much better. I'll take number 65!


Photographically well captured. As usual:)

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Thanks again Jayme. I was going to request a critique in the nudes section in protest but then I thought that was being childish... well I am male after all! If you like this, you may find this image, shot in the same street, even more amusing.
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Hey, the one in the middle is turning the wrong way. Very interesting also that each has different prices. I'll bet one of them has a tea bag hidden underneath. BTW, did you get any model releases? ^_^
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David, I assume you can prove that each of these models is over the legal age of 21?
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I'm going to question whether or not these are truly chicks. I'm willing to bet the 'chick' or hen was kept for her ability to lay and these poor fellas are well fellas because their ability to lay doesnt involve popping out eggs.


Could these not also be a symbol for all those who are afraid of sexuality.

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Lionel, They are indeed prices given in Hong Kong dollars. Divide the figurers you see by around 7.7 to get the price in US$. That makes these naked chicks even cheaper. Thanks for the comment.


Wilson, I had to remove the teabags for fear of the image being removed. I did ask about a model release but they just ignored me. Maybe they didn't understand English.


Owl, Please don't tell anyone but these are really young chicks.


Knicki,Who's the one that is afraid here? A male chick is known as a cock. I notice you didn't use that word.


Thanks guys and guyesses.

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You know, David, the press have been frightening us with H5N1 for weeks now; that's one reason why I was appealed by your image first.

But you see, I commented yesterday your picture and I still feel fine. ;-))))


And I forgot to tell you I like the photojournalism style you gave to this image. Truly a witness of life to shoot where people go everyday.


Well done !

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hmm cocks, yes thats them. nothing but a bunch of cocks here.



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Lionel, It's strange! Bird flu has hit Hong Kong before. The vast majority of people are more concerned about the loss of fresh chicken than the health of their fellow country men and women.


Knicki, I am sure it was a word you had heard before.


Owl, I've been caught. Please don't tell anyone.


Pnina, It's a tough job.

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Well, now, the bird flu is in the box again: they talk about french riots on TV ... chicken is less harmfull than suburb populations ! ;-))
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Chicken riots, French flu...egad, methinks the ferigner in Taiwan is going nuts, but for some inexplicable reason, I pictured the numbers as ratings, as in a figure skating competition. Nekkid figure skating chickens. That set off gales of maniacal giggling, then I started reading the thread. I think I need a straightjacket by now.


Quite a plucky image, if I do say so ;-).

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to the discussions on the naked chickens. But, I did notice the price tag on the other side of the bar. How does the shop distinguish between a 58 dollar chicken and a 70 dollar chicken. They sure look the same to me.


If I do buy one, I have the chef that will cook the chicken for me. ;-)

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