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A hairy, smelly, horny Scottish cow.


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by a bunch of Canucks (I don't know about John, of course, but the Acadia folder, the canoe references and all the duck shots - well...at any rate he's a northerner...).


I shall retire graciously from the lists - if only to seek out that fisheye...let's see - UT is playing Baylor tomorrow - no, I can find some bevos closer than Waco....).

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And a string with shots of udder cream and it's instructions...must be that time of year...after Halloween and before Thanksgiving when all the nuts are out...funny, she dosen't look Scottish...well, in certain light, perhaps.
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Just having a bit of fun, Nova, but learned a lot along the way. :-)


Stick around Lee, I ain't a-boat to let you off the hook so easy. John and I could turn the Tuba-four reference into a softwood lumber trade dispute but who needs that!


I saw Linda's Bovinia. It reminded me of the map of Florida on Mikhail Gorbachev's forehead. Just a little stress relief at a cow's expense! :-)

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I don't even understand NAFTA and I live here amongst it! I shall continue to lurk, however - have no fear...tomorrow I shoot cows (well, so to speak...)!
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All that long thread for that " Hairy, smelly, smile-y horney, Queen of beauty!!, hippy hairdo"???.... you are lucky Michael... lol


My smile of the day!! Pnina

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haha, did you change your subject from astronomy to biology? Your folders are always educational!!


She needs some trimming, I guess.

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All joking aside ... I think it's a very good image! I love the tones ... and the cow's expression is fabulous ... and the crop is perfect!! :-)
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There were two cows standing in a field and the one cow said to the other. Did you hear about mad cow disease!


Sure did said the other. It sounds terrible, thank god were helicopters eh.

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Oh Lou Ann, you're right, this is a photography site and thanks for reminding me. Yes, had I been quicker I might have caught what appeared to be a raw oyster fall out of her nose moments earlier. :-)


It took me an hour to finally get it, Nova; the helicopter threw me off. I guess they were Canadian cows, eh? :-)

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Being intimately acquainted with madness - I got the joke right away...


I got your Longhorn pics yesterday, Michael, but the lassie here will have to wait until the negs are developed to view her latest swain(s)...LOL - wish I could have seen that snot oyster - oh, dear, I've been hanging with the children too long...

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It occurred to me, Lee: your familiarity with madness coupled with claims of sponge-like prions sounds awfully symptomatic of Sporadic CJD or even Spongiform Encephalopathy.. of course I'm no expert... just a little friendly jab. Can't wait to see your cow!
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Now, Michael! I wasn't trying to be a humbug - I actually clicked on the thumbnail because I thought it was a great shot, and was surprised to see all of the kidding around. So there. :-p (Working with 13-year-olds brings out the immaturity in me!!) Besides what I didn't say was that Udder Cream is great stuff. And ... have you tried Bag Balm?
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LOL Lou Ann! :-)


I can't believe you actually read the thread! Like you, I'm strictly an Udderly Smooth guy and besides, all my bags are intact so BagBalm would be like, well, teats on a bull, as it were. I have heard from good authority though, that BagBalm is absolutely the best stuff for cracked hands if you ever had to work on your truck in Canadian winters. Ever wonder what John R. uses his BagBalm for?


As for the picture, I cropped it square because there was some construction clutter behind her other horn - something a 13 year old would do. :-)

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Well, Michael - I have actually worked with some unfortunates suffering from Jakob-Creuzfeldt's...I've been exposed to enough deviant symptomatology(although NOT to spinal fluids, thank the good Lord), to be able to recognize it in myself...as well as others...LOL - fair warning!
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mine are NOT cows....Okay, so they're not exactly bulls either (I doubt those are safe for the little tourists to sit on) just don't tell Lassie here, okay?


And I HAVE used BagBalm...on my dog's feet for cracked pads. If dog's faces can be said to have expression, "Disgust" would be the descriptive when they tried to lick it off!

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How DARE you impugn the Texas state what-ever! I'm going to sic Ken W on you... They are not the least bit hermaphroditic, let's just say , umm - they no longer have the need for Bag Balm... ;)


Sniff, maybe I won't show them to you after all!

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Michael, So as not to get bogged down I won't join in the levity above. Instead I will only address the great subject placement & tight crop & proper focus on the eyes, as well as the subject\background separation due to your fine choice of shallow DOF. No need to show both horns as the one revealed would encourage me not to turn my back to this beast:-) Best, LM.
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Our first bachelor hails from the historic town of Llano, TX. He enjoys windsurfing, Mexican food and romantic evenings in front of the fireplace.

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Our second bachelor is - ALSO from Llano, TX (what a coincidence!). His favorite pastimes include jogging around Town Lake, playing Massively Multiplier Role-Playing Games and having bar-b-que with his friends.

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