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After Bathing



© All images are copyright of the photographer and may not be used without written permission.

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Nude and Erotic

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Very nice ... the subdued colors were an excellent choice and I love the lighting. It could perhaps be straighter. In fact, it might be worth experimenting with the transform command a bit and the orginal (if this is a crop) to see if you can make it appear as if you shot it straight on instead of from the front a bit. Still a great shot as is though.
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Very classy (rare these days) and sensual not only in the model, but also in the surrounding room (colors etc..) I REALLY need to get to a better monitor but it seems like her face might be just under sharp (hard to get in low light), and I might like to see her eyes lowered a bit or more closed? might make her look more relaxed (which is definitely the feel here). Great work!
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Very beautiful and moving; realistic and real. I'm with Jeff on the eyes. I think his comment is right on. But this is a stunning shot.

By the way, the picture is huge when viewed Large. I think you should shrink it, which might also help sharpen it a bit (if that's an effect you want).

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WOnderful tones and beautifully graceful pose. Just a couple of inches more needed possibly in the lower frame, but that is just a detail.
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This is a very beautiful piece of work. My only objection is that it is croped a tiny bit too narrow at the bottom. The composition, the lighting on the other hand is just perfect from my point of view.
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Very nice shot, one thing that distracts me is window frame in the upper left corner, otherwise, picture is very classy and beautifull
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First of all, in my opinion this is an excellent photograph, very poetic; congratulations. The simple lighting makes this a very interesting study.


Second of all, the stance of the model suggests an appropriate degree of dynamism, which you have well exploited in the title. The vase is wonderfully placed, the sticks of the red flowers complement the curves on the back of the model pretty nicely; as an abstract study this aspect is very well-thought. Just a nit-picking: a few sticks bending away in the opposite direction, into the blackness of the rear right window, under appropriate light, would perhaps lend a tad more balance to the overall composition.


Third of all, the background is marvellous; perhaps you would like to explore its beautiful texture and colors in future.


Finally, IMHO the expression of the model has a standalone value; it keeps my attention focussed to a significant extent. Next in line, the eye cares to explore the complementary textures of the rear wall and the silky smoothness of the model's skin placed so close in juxtaposition---a little sharpening and a bit of cropping helps me (see attached file---I hope you will not mind me fiddling with your image). The mat on the carpet below appears slightly skewed with respect to the wall; to me it would perhaps look better if they are in synchronism.


My best regards, and I hope to see many more from you soon.

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Thanks for kinds words, this photo was set up as an image for a painting. Debasish I like the images you created, the face in particular was interesting, it almost work on its own.
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To avoid redundancy, I won't join the chorus. I like this enough, however, that I'll point out some technical issues that hold it back from its potential. Hopefully, you'll keep working in this genre.

This image is very noisy because the white balance is wrong or, if it is on film, the film doesn't match the light source. Look at the blue channel in the RGB version. It is probably uncorrectable.

In general, if you want to warm up an image it is best to start with one that is neutral and add the effects you want, such as warm tone.

In fact, when I balance the color so that the whites are white and the middle grays are neutral, this photograph is much more vibrant and alive. The flowers no longer blend into the wall and everything on the carpet (flowers, chair, figure, towel, etc) stands out from the background in a beautiful image.

In the large version of this there are a lot of artifacts that may be due to the jpeg compression, but I can't be sure. The result, however, is that the image can't be "fixed" with tools like NeatImage or with standard techniques in Photoshop CS2.

Yes, you can "correct" the perspective in this image so it "looks like" it was taken "straight on". Why would you? It is great as it is. In fact the composition and the lighting (except the color) are just about perfect. If this were mine I would probably make it darker so that the right hand window isn't such a presence. As it is, the symmetry between the two windows draws attention from the figure.

You two should do more work together. This kind of photograph is much more difficult than you make it seem.

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Reminds me of a painting by Degas with a similar name. I would have liked to see more space on the bottom of the shot, rather than top. Regards, David
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