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arctic monkey

Sometimes I feel like there's a HUGE warning sign around my name that says,"Don't comment on this guy's photos, he's crazy!! Your first born will suffer great pain if you leave your thoughts behind." Or are my photos just not appealing to the masses? I like them...a lot.

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no I like the colors, no distraction. Except, I would have tried to keep the whole flower in the frame or a more tighter crop sort of like a strip near the center.
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I like it, especially the rain drops on the petals, except, why are a couple of them red?
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Thank you both so much for the comments, this is exactly what I need.


Turgut - I agree that the cropping is a bit strange and could probably use some work. If you have the time I'd certainly appreciate an example of your suggestions. However, when you take into consideration the next thing I'm going to say to Fay, the composition might make a bit more sense....


Fay - The colors were added as an experiment. By positioning the colored spots as they are now, a triangle of focus points is created. I was hoping these focus points would contribute to the photo's appeal in a sort of subconscious way, by keeping the eye entertained while jumping back and forth within the frame. What do you think?


Once again, thank you both. Have a nice day.

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This is one my favorites, and I know this was part of an experimental series. But I think the true vibrant color of this flower is what makes the original such a good photo. I think you should post it as well, and see if the others are with me or agianst me on this one.


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I actually prefer Mm10 for a couple of reasons (not that this is a bad shot).


1) The composition of Mm10 is much more interesting. The incorporation of the flower stem and the off-center location of the flower center gives it a slightly more realistic touch.

2) I think the coloring here is too spread out (IMHO). I understand what your intentions were with the triangle of focus, but to me I end up looking at the individual color spots, as opposed to the whole picture.

3) I think the full color original would look better with this crop.


I've tried something similar, but with a bird instead of a flower. Take a look (Sneaking In).


Hope this is helpful, but remember that these are just my opinions.



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they worked, in that I was jumping back and forth in that focus triangle of yours, but I do prefer the Mm10. I think the colour drops in that one look more intentional, but hey, I'm a right beginner, so I'm just saying I like the pictures!!
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Thank you all for the wonderful feedback!! It truly does help no matter who you are, your background in photography or whatever. It's all about how you see and what appeals to you. That's what I'm interested in. I will take your suggestions and use them in the future. Thanks again.
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Jason, I like this mainly because my focus goes right to the detail of the darkened petals on the left side of this and while looking for more detail I then find the hint of color in the water droplets. Its not always the center that is the main attraction when it comes to flowers and I see you are exploring this. Now I do prefer the colored version of this as I am a color freak also I like crimson but thats just me. I say Good JoB! Keep up the good work.




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