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"Did you ever have to make up your mind?"


Old, old, old, Minolta Autocord. Tech details lost in antiquity. In fact, so old, who cares? Probably 1/30 f3.5.

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Wonderful photograph! Perfect composition, good DOF, great lighting, and you captured the moment really well. I really like this shot! That's a pretty good hand, if this is bridge. Is it?
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This fellow has an Ace, a King, a Jack, and a ten. I wonder if he's thinking 'Hmmm... maybe I could get a queen'. I find this very amusing for some reason. Technically, I like the DOF, the clean disctinction between the foreground subject's head and the background subject.
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You have a nicely varied portfolio. I might like this one best. I could look at it for a good long while...
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I was browsing through your portfolio, and, though I liked a good number of your shots, this one jumped out at me. Very nicely captured, and with a definite story to tell. I wonder how he fared in this game. My title above alludes to the fact that your eye captured the shot faster than he played his hand, in case you were wondering.



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Bill, This game started in the early '60s & with this guy's level of concentration it's probably still going. Best, LM.
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It is so moving to see a photo like this resurrect from the mists of the Great 1960s... thank you very much for sharing your early pictures like this. In case you wonder, I was eleven when this photo was taken - not old enough to play poker yet, but old enough to start playing with a camera. This is an excellent photo in its own right, and would be even if it had been shot yesterday - but then, nobody could have shot it yesterday.
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Mike, For forty years that parallel has eluded me. Thanks for pointing it out. Now I can point that out to all who view this shot & pretend that it was my intention from the start. :) Best, LM.
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Michael, Don't be so modest. I've seen your folder & your shots are as good as or better than this. Your 2 sec. handheld shot of the starwatchers & your 'moments prior'(posted only as an attachment) piano recital shot come to mind. Best, LM.
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My take, Len, is the likeness of my work to well presented fast food; looks palatable, but gives heartburn if consumed in excess. This, on the other hand, is Mom's cooking from grandma's recipe in her everyday meals that never shouts "Look at me!", but truly appreciated by those able to differentiate substance from mere dressing.
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Wonderful diagonal composition and great use of DOF to highlight the main subject. It tells the whole story of the game with the guy in the front hesitating and the guy in the background getting bored with him - probably just about to make a wisecrack to hurry him up. I love card games ;-)


This is a masterpiece, which I wouldn't have been surprised to find in the portfolios of Ian McEachern or Chris Battey, who are my two favorite photographers on this site.


Just one possible nitpick - it appears that you might have selectively sharpened the cards. If so, I think you slightly overdid a good thing. If not, please accept my apologies in advance ;-)

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I did not have to make up my mind......... candid and original ,the caption included . Pnina
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Great!!! I like it. Very interesting focus... and composition. I have a new portrait Rollei T. I you want... :)


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This is one of your smartest shots, Len. It's excellently composed, with the main guy on one side in focus, and one of the other players out of focus in the background, talking to someone else. The guy on the foreground thinking thoroughly his next move... hmmm... All that gives much dynamism to a usually "static" situation.


On the technical side, tonal range is very rich, no detail is lost, maybe I only would experiment to make darks darker, would give them a tad more character. But that's only a minor point.

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Nestor, Thanks for your input. Yeh, it could use a little more 'snap'. I think I still have the neg. (it's over 40 yrs. old so I may have to do some digging:) Best, LM.
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