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Calder Closeup


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This is a closeup of a sculpture by Alexander Calder in the east wing of the National Gallery in DC.
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This is truly beautiful, among your nicest pictures! Can I say WOW 7/6 as a comment? Maybe no, otherwise my name will be deleted from that roll-of-honours of constructive critics.


I like the essentially monochrome main element over a background of far more subdued hues, still all in warm colours. Incidentally, the single red element is present in some other pictures of yours among those I ilked the most.


This told, I like everything in here. To start, the justapoxition of the only curves in the image -albeit in the dominant colour- with the strong lines of the shadows and of the background. This is strong compositionally and gives a real three-dimensionality to the image, contributing even more to pull out the red structure.


This three-dimensionality has some Esher-like optical illusions in that the red element seems to be oviously sitting in space, against all shadows, but then the diagonal shadow crosses it, effectively constituting a point where the eye keeps on coming back.


Other small details I like in the composition are the shadow in the bottom left corner: had the red been bright, this would have been too strong an element.


I'm visually overwhelmed, now, will come back later.

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Interesting composition that reminds me somehow with its ellement, your piano pieces..


The diagonal lines are looking like cords..

straight lines vs, round ones, lines bisecting each other in a nice harmony and color.I connect to it.

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I'm surprised at the positive reception on what to me was little more than a fun exercise. My primary objective was to do something with the complex shadow patterns on the west wall of the east wing of the National Gallery, not unlike the British Museum. The Calder mobile had been down for restoration and was only recently reinstalled, freshly painted.


One of the strengths of the small sensor digicams like the KM A2 is the increased DOF which encourages interplay between FG and BG elements.

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Carl, looking at it again, my feeling is that what makes it interesting is more the tention between the ellements . I really enjoy it.
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Carl, do you actually have a link to the full-size thing? Or a shot of yours? This image keeps haunting me also when I am far from a screen (which means in the middle of the mountains) and I am getting curious about it.
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