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Drop One


Macro. Natural light. 35-105mm lens, iso=100 minus .3 exposure compensation.

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Jeez this is really impressive. I tried a few water drop themes after seeing Malcolm's POW but after almost 100 shots I still had no decent results. You have to be quick, REAL quick, & considering the annoying time delay on digital shutters I must say I am awestruck at this result!!
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The technical skills shown by this photograph are very impressive. I also like the artistry (though others claim a lack of it in this photo) which was incorporated to get an excellent image. I am curious as to more details of how it was taken. I am guessing that we are looking at a rotated image of a drop on a surface being pulled by gravity rather than a drop that has just hit the water. Please let me know if I am wrong. If it is a drop hitting the surface then how was the shutter triggered? Was it by hand and just shooting on motordrive and picking the best or was it a laser controlled shutter or something of that like. Once again congratulations on a nice image, and thanks for sharing.
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I suspect your guess is better than mine, Matthew. It's probably some thick liquid stuck on a surface, and the gravity is slowly pulling this drop down. But would there be so many ripples then?


Yes, there certainly is an artistic touch to this photo. Ain't there in all of Seven's photos? It's well planned and looks great, but with this subject, being artistic seems somewhat easy. Lots of neat setups of surroundings, reflections and lightning conditions could be made. Finding a better composition would be more difficult. For creativity, I'd give it a 10, but for originality maybe 6 thanks to the arranged greens. (Resulting in an average of 8 for originality in the photo.net rating system.) Feel free to disagree.


Bet you're having fun watching us guess how you pulled this one off, Seven :-)

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This is an absolutely amazing photo! The type of photography that most of us strive to accomplish, but few succeed with. If you are not yet a professional, you should seriously consider doing so. BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This photo is fabulous. The mastery of difficult macro. This is a sure 10/10. What amazes me most is not the photo; it's the fact someone rated it a 2/4! What's with that?
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If my opinion means anything to you, I would suggest ignoring the praise this picture is generating. It really seems to me the influence of our little Photonet community has made you take inferior pictures over time. For what it's worth, my ratings keep dropping, although I'm quite sure I'm actually forging ahead. If you're happy with the path you're pursuing, please ignore these comments. If you think I'm on to something, then send me an e-mail message and we can discuss it further.

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Hey Vuk


I am happy with the way my experimental macro work has been moving along the past few months. I also know that this genre is anathema to your taste buds....especially when things start to shine ;-)


But I'll take you up on that offer and DROP you an email, whilst here I will simply thank you for expressing yourself - I appreciate your honesty. Cheers.

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this is another astounding image--amazing color and form. Is it art? Does it express anything about the human condition, no matter how dodgey? Are these fair questions to ask of this? I'm rating it on it's own terms 8/9.
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This is remarkably sensual! In fact, it causes the same sort of overload as a tablespoonful of Lyle's Golden Syrup (for the Brits). It's slightly humorous and vaguely theatening at the same time. Great stuff.
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Seven, this is a ten. You've outdone yourself, and most everyone else, in the art of macrophysicsartistry. Sincerely, congratulations, Vuk on or off.
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I'm guessing mercury. Perhaps some type of metalic paint thinned down but that would be more "grainy". So I'm going with the mercury theory. Very nice!
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I have no idea what this is, but don't really care - it's different and mysterious and engaging as a result, and certainly a new and exciting image. Well done!
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There should be a way to rate pictures 20/20 just because of this one. It's the most amazing one I've seen in Photo.net.
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This one I remember well. I find this shot very intriguing. The colors and composition seem well thought out. A little luck and a great result. Hard to duplicate and therefore worth its value in originality.
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