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The scene is laid in Bruges


No Tripod

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wat ben jij een schat!:))) Je maakt me echt heel gelukkig met je openhartigheid. Zo mooi om te horen dat dit plekje schijnbaar iets heel speciaals heeft waardoor je er telkens weer terug gaat om nog eens te kijken.


Ik had echt nooit verwacht dat deze foto zoveel indruk zou maken, dus ja natuurlijk ben ik daar heel bij mee en best trots op. Al die mooie reacties stimuleren me weer om toch vooral door te gaan. Aan de andere kant voel ik ook wel een beetje een druk; het gevoel dat mijn volgende foto dit succes moet overtreffen. Wellicht ken je dat gevoel ook. Maar wat ik wil kan natuurlijk niet altijd, althans niet met mijn ervaring op fotogebied. En in PS ben ik al helemaal geen held. Het blijft gewoon bij zo af en toe een uitschieter.


Meid, het was hartstikke fijn dat je even langs kwam om alles nog eens te overzien en intussen heb je mij het 50ste commentaar ontlokt. Een dikke knuffel krijg je van me! Ada:)


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Dear Gaetan, I'm very happy with your comment and your congratulations. I'm glad you like it so much. Greetings, Ada:)


Hoi Hans, ik ben echt heel blij met dat ene woordje van je. Voor de rest zal het wel loslopen, ik heb helemaal niet zo gek veel kunsten uitgehaald in PS hoor. Ik denk dat veel mensen zich erop verkijken. Maar ik ben er wel heeeeeel lang aan bezig geweest en ik weet zeker dat het tien keer zo snel had gekund als ik het op de manier had gedaan waarop het eigenlijk moet. Maar daar heb ik nog steeds niet veel kaas van gegeten. Ik pruts gewoon lekker verder:) Groetjes Hans, Ada:)

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Thank you all for your kind words. It's still a pleasure to me when people call me back to this picture to read their comments. Have a nice weekend! Greetings, Ada:)
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Thanks Ada for this picture it's amazing ...I like fairy tale and Your picture with new Canon machine and probably new enthusiasm ... By see Your latter
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Thank you both for visiting me and for the great comments and kind words! And yes Dusan, I'm very happy with my Canon! Warm regards to both of you, Ada:)
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In a million spoooky years I never would have guessed that this was a day shot. You are an inspiration. This is such creative work. You are an artist and like most, they are never satisfied with their work as you mentioned somewhere above, don't know where it took me half an hour just to get here and that is just reading the english parts:-). So just stand back for a minute and admire your work because it is outstanding.
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I've followed your advice (after enjoying your real great and positive comment) and I've tried to look at this picture with a fresh eye. And with all due of respect may I point out that (this sentence comes from my dictionary, so please don't laugh about it because it sounds so solemn to me) So with all due of respect may I point out that I think the picture has turned out well. Pfff...


But Kim, it's the limited knowlegde I have from photography and PS which make me very insecure. And that is why constructive comments are so very important to me. I have no lack of fantasy but the skill to bring my imaginations to life is still a big struggle for me. It makes me very happy when people tells me that I'm an artist and that they see an upward trend in my work.


It was great to read your thoughts about this picture and about me. Thank you very much for that Kim!


Many greetings, Ada:)

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OUTSTANDINGatmosphereyouhavecreatedhere ADA BRUGGES I LOVEITANDIshot manypicturesfromthatBRIDGEBRUGGES A PERFECT

PLACE to wander in phantasy landYOU ARE SO LUCKY YOU HAVE FOUND THAtspot BRIDGE SO EMpTY OF VISITORS TOO i hav e never seen it so deserted


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I should have mentioned: The slide is not in my portfolio! Can`t find it since we moved (not yet unpacked)


The photoshop filter I mentioned is called "weiches licht". May be "soft light" in the english version?

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Your comment is really great and I'm very happy with it. I know you love Bruges Tony and yes this bridge and the wonderful houses in this spot are really worth to make a fantastic image of.

I have uploaded some other pictures of the Markt of Bruges with the beautiful stepped gabled houses. They are usual pictures, nothing special, but though I'll give you the link so you can watch them if you like.

Thanks again Tony for commenting my fantasyshot.


I wish you all the best! Warm greetings, Ada:~)



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So you're moved! I bet you moved to Belgium for the picturesque spots, aren't you? LOL

I suppose you've been very busy and you're still very busy Edgar and pictures are mostly a part of the stuff which stay unpacked for a long time. The most important things first.


About the PS filter Edgar, I really don't remember what exactly I have done here. If I knew I would tell you, that's for sure.


I hope you will dig up the regarding picture at any time because I'm really very curious to it.


I wish you and yours a lot of happiness in the new home and success with the unpack! Greetings, Ada:)

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A gothic atmosphere here,Ada. I expecr ghosts...or witches, considereing tonight is Halloween, to appear any moment. Great atmosphere.
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Halloween, yes I've heard of it but here in Holland we don't really celebrate it. Not Yet! I think it will as it went with all the other special 'Day's' like Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. As far as I know it is a real American festivity which bit by bit sweeps the Market in Europe too. A lot of people (at any rate here in Holland) contemplate these day's as only commercial businesses. I think they actually have right but in spite of that, Halloween of course is a very exciting feast in particular for the children and it's a very old feast. I've read that it's Celtic from origin. Do they know Halloween in Italy Paula? I don't think so. But perhaps you've scared the children in your neighbourhood stiff by playing a gruesome character?;-)


I had a silent hope that somebody from over the Atlantic would have brought the explicit Halloween mood in here, but alas....


Was great to see you Paula! Booooo.... Ada;~)LOL


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Ada, it's really briliant. I can not add anything after so many warm words above. I love this photo. Congrats and thanks for sharing. Do widzenia :) Lukasz.
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Dear Lukasz, no need to thank me! I like to thank you for your nice comment:) I'm really glad you like this picture.


Do widzenia, Ada:~)

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Dear Ken, I'm glad you have no fear to come to this place. Well, halloween is far behind so probably that declares a lot;-)

Thank you very much for your kind words, Ken, Greetings Ada:)

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