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The scene is laid in Bruges


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I love the picture. I would love to take pictures with that kind of mood. I like the lighting effects you achieved.

I would like you to check this picture in my gallery and tell me your opinion about it:

We are waiting...

Thanks for sharing you artwork. Keep up the good work. :-)

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Natalija, dank je wel voor je waardering. Ik heb jouw portfolio eens bekeken en die liegt er niet om! Ik ben dan ook echt heel erg bij met die 'wow' van jou.


Dear Sondra, you are an expert in moody pictures so your positive opinion and kind words really means very much to me!


'Dickens' dear Krzysztof, what a great compliment you make me by calling his name in relation to this picture. I wish I was able to illustrate children books. I love novels and fairy tales and I would like to spend all my free time to give free rein to my fantasy in a way like I did in this picture. But alas, I miss the PS-know-how and next to that I'm always in doubt about my own skill with regard to my pictures and that's why I can barely believe that this image calls up so many positive reactions. So I'm very glad to hear that you like it, Krzysztof. Thanks so much for taking the time to watch and comment my picture.


Hi Tiago, it's great to read your kind words and together with all the other great comments it's an incentive to me to try to concentrate me more on this kind of work. Of course I'll come to watch your work:-) Thank you for your great comment and for your invitation.


Greetings to all of you, Ada:)


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Ada, I think i recognise this. I must have walked over here a few times when we visited Bruges a few years back.


I like the strong atmospheric treatment and would not have guessed it was a daylight shot. The light reflected off the cobbled path and bridge is very good and is helped by the very good basic shot.

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Well Martin, I'm still busy for a couple of weeks to entice him, (watch my pictures 'Dracula's bride' and 'Waiting for Dracula') but alas, till now he don't turns up:(



It's very kind of you to drop in Colin and thank you very much for your kind words. And O yes, it's more than imaginable that you've walked here. When you visit Bruges you have to see this particular fairy tale looking place. This spot is a very famous and beloved part of the tourist round in Bruges. And I was really lucky that the tourists stay away for some seconds so I was able to make this shot which radiates a desolate impression. I'll show you the original one to give you and all the other people an idea of how this wonderful spot looks by daylight.



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Ada - absolutely incredible! Right out of a Harry Potter novel. And seeing your original makes it even more remarkable. You have created a truly atmospheric treat. Regards, Mister Ken
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Excellent image, but it is un-manipulated?

It is very well done, looks like taked from a scarry movie. We miss Jack the Ripper here.


Well done.

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Hello Mister Ken, thank you very much for your great comment. I'm happy you like the threatening mood in my picture and I feel very flattered that you named 'Harry Potter'. That's not to be sneezed at. All the famous fairy tale and horror characters be reviewed here. Greetings, Ada:)


Hi Detlef, It's always so nice to see you and I'm always curious to your opinion:) I'm glad you like it. Grusse, Ada:~)



Hi Gustavo, how nice to read your kind words and the whish you have. First they ask me for Dracula and now you are calling for Jack the Ripper. But Jack is already here. Do you see the whole with the bars in the wall just right from the brigde? There I have him locked up. If you are very quiet you can hear the rattle of his chains:~)


But serious now, I took a short look in your portfolio and its amazing so I'm very proud and grateful that you took the time to comment my picture. You are right with your remark about the manipulation. Of course this shot is manipulated. I didn't make a secret of it. My last picture but one was unmanipulated and I forgot to change the information when I posted this picture. It was nice to meet you Gustavo, Greetings, Ada:)


BTW Gustavo, you have a very nice lastname which matches perfectly with the mood in this picture;-).

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What can I say that hasn't been said :). You have done a wonderful job here, Ada you should be proud. Glad to see some really interesting ps work. Shows that you are really experimenting with it and getting great results! The slight angle and crop of the shot are great and I like that you expanded on the sky from the original. Very creative and a good shot to work with. The dabbles of moonlight combined with the face in the cloud overhanging the entranceway really helps to create a spooky effect. Not sure how far up those steps I want to tread. Well it's great to see your doing so well. Warm Thoughts to you and yours, Nova ~
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I have been in Bruges a whole night, we did not find place to sleep so we went for the city all night, and I have to tell you that some parts were scarry (like in your picture). At the end we slep in the front of the train station (there is a park there).


Very nice PS work (one of the best I seen here) and thanks for your kind comments.

Bruge was a magic place.

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Yes, creepy is the right word. Only known by few peoples but flanderen seems to be one of the most picturesque regions in europe. Somewhere there must be an old slide showing me as a 5y old child on that bridge above. Guess you use that "soft light filter" here which works perfectly. Grretinx Edgar.
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Ada, this is really, really moody with great forground detail, solid composition, and makes me miss that Brugge that much more! Great job. ^_^
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People were asking me where Dracula and Jack the Ripper could hang out, Nova. Well, I was asking myself where you have been. I was really very curious to hear your opinion about this creepy one. Thank you very much for the extensive and great comment! Was real nice to see you, Ada:)


Hey Gustavo, it's good to hear that you have survided Bruges by night. I can imagine that some places here will radiate an ominous atmosphere but I think Bruges is a very safe and quiet city. But in the future you do better if you book a hotel in advance;~)

I can't bear to think about sleeping in that creepy dark gate at the end of the bridge.


Alas Edgar, I didn't see the old slide you are talking about. You were 5 years old you say..... I think you mean the bridge railing?;-)

And I'm sorry but you talk about a 'soft light filter'? What do you mean by that? You've made me curious, Edgar. I hope you dare to came back to this scarry place to explain me something or other. See you, Ada:)


Wilson, I sense the desire to Holland and Belgium in your words. Time to draw your piggy bank!;)

Thanks for your digital visit and your kind words. Greetings from Holland, Ada:)

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You are right M.I. Wijngaarde. Other people have taken the ground from under your feet. But you've surprized me with an amazing and no earlier used name and phenomenon: Disney! What a great compliment M.I.! Thank you for making me so happy!:~)


I've seen the sweet portrait Chris and it's fantastic that everything is all right now:) My heartfelt congratulations and give my hugs to the little boy. Greetings, Ada:)



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O Michael you made me smile with your comment:) If I would follow all the suggestions given it would become a real haunted house here.

But for your pumpkin I've already found a great place:)


Can you tell me the date the Canadians and Americans celebrate their Halloween? Here in Europe it's not a customary to celebrate it. A lot of people even don't know what it exactly contains. I'm one of them;) Shame, shame!

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I believe it's October 31st, Ada. Not quite sure myself. I don't celebrate the occasion but it's a big day for many to decorate their homes for the children.


What you have done with this picture is really interesting. It takes a creative mind without boundaries to go as far as you have, Ada. Sometimes we are so bound by what is "Acceptable" that we forget there's a whole world remain unexplored - I've learned something from this! :-)

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The 31the of October, I will keep it in my mind Michael, thanks! And thank you so much for your outstanding comment. It makes me really very happy that you appreciate this picture so much.


Great to see you Lannie and to read your kind words right here at this creepy



Greetings, Ada:)

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Geweldig om te zien hoe 1 foto zoveel kan losweken nietwaar Ada? Prachtigmooi om alle commentaren te lezen, moet steeds naar deze foto terug... Hij is werkelijk fantastisch, een knap stukje werk, sommige beelden vervelen nooit, daar is dit er eentje van, chapeau!!
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