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© Copyright 2005 Larry McGarity

Bull On Trail Ridge Road


Canon 300D with EF 300mm f4L IS with Canon 1.4 TC - Exposure 1/400 second at f5.6


© Copyright 2005 Larry McGarity

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I'm glad you're okay; thanks for the update...I'm amazed that you haven't been able to find a job, with your fantastic resume! You're probably over-qualified for all of them. I have a friend in Seattle who is complaining of the same problem. School again...wow. You'll probably enjoy it, though, since you're one of those people who likes using your mind :) You're never too old to learn or start over, I think. When my husband turned 50 he was tired of taxidermy, so he bought a semi, learned to drive it, and started hauling rigs in the oilfield. When he bought his truck, he had to have a friend drive it home from Canada for him, because he didn't know how to drive it or have a license yet. He's happy and loves it. I hope you will be happy in this new direction, and I also hope you'll find time to post a photo once in a while! Hmmmmm...you could get some interesting photos on a college campus, for sure!
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Not long ago someone contacted me and asked me to send them a resume. They had a need for someone with very specific skill sets and they thought I was just the person to fit the bill. They were right. I have over three decades experience doing precisely what they needed. But when after I forwarded them my resume they responded by saying after careful review they thought I was over qualified for the position.


I am convinced that when an employer tells someone they are over qualified for a position they usually mean "too old." Age discrimination is illegal so no prospective employer is going to admit to it. They would be fools if they did. But in practice it happens all the time.


The truth is most employers DO discriminate on the basis of age no matter what they say. At least thats what my job search taught me. I'll put it this way, every career counselor I have spoken with has advised me to try and minimize age on my resume as much as possible.

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Geeze, you're not exactly over the hill! My Mom's husband had that problem when looking for a new job, but he was 75. It didn't occur to me that you'd have "age" problems already! I thought maybe they'd have to pay you more because of your "over qualifications", and that was why they didn't want you. You don't think your "advanced" age will be a problem after you get your degree?
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Once you bust 50, age is always an issue you have to confront in the job market. Thats reality and there isn't anything you can do to change it. All you can do is deal with it as best you can, and try to keep retooling and retraining yourself.


I am still flirting with the idea of trying to make money via photography after I retire. But I already know I don't know know how to start and run a business the proper way. My wife and I ran a gift shop for four years that was a money losing proposition. And I once attempted to open an electronic medical billing business. Talk about a total flop! Before I go that route a third time, I want to know how to do it the right way. Hopefully schooling will provide that.

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Ahh, so that's your motivation! Yeah, running businesses is hard...been there and made lots of mistakes!
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