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The last piece II


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As some people ask me the same questions, here?s an extract from an



-Al, my first question? How long does it take to make one of your



-The making of the picture? Well, about half an hour scanning, six

hours in all for the computer work and about another half hour for

the print.


-You mean you work exclusively for the print?


-Yes. Its? harder, every detail shows on a 40x40 print, but more



-And the computer work?


-In fact, half the computer work is assembling, positioning,

orienting and colour matching, the other half is ?cleaning-up? work

on the details?


-Yes but when and how do you choose the elements on a picture?


-Only rarely do I have all the elements at hand. So most of the time,

the elements need to be collected in the outside world...


-So you mean your pictures are thought out before the computer

assembling step?


-Yes. Always. I write down the ideas, sketch the scenes, and make

lists of elements I need. If it?s scenery, it often means waiting for

the ideal situation. With models, or the kids in the scenes, I try to

make them participate in the making.


-So back to my first question? How long does it take to make one of

your compositions?


-Well, then lets say the technical part, 7 hours. The rest?its

impossible to say. Some pictures span over two years, waiting for the

ideal scenery, like ?moonset?? or the other way round, it can take a

year to have a good idea with a good scenery? I am more a picture

collector than a photographer? if that makes sense?


-So your ideas are logged on a book? Can you show me?


-Here for example, I have sketched six possible pictures. The themes

of gravity, rain, wind? all to go into the same portfolio. Next to

the sketches, the fragments that are missing, and details on the

postures of the models.


-This is very far from the ?instant decisif??


-Yes, by the technical making steps, but no by the conception, since

all pictures appeared to me in thought at one instant, in such a

perfect arrangement. The whole difference is in the translating of a

visual idea and every technical step betrays the initial idea. It?s a



-So is this still photography?


-Of course. Not only every piece of the composition is a photograph,

but the process of fixing ?something? is exactly the same as more

traditional photographers, or to refer to the same person, ?quick



-But how do you define?


-Of course, there?s a ?plasticien? approach, but as someone

involuntarily put it??Its all just a waste of time?. I like that.

Look at all the kids pulling, pushing, running, contemplating? all

just wasting their time for an impossible cause. And kids have an

exceptional ability to ?waste their time?. So do I.

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Impeccable Al! What makes it very good it's not the technique,I think, but the quality of your imagination. People always want to find out 'secrets' and Ps tricks and rarely wonder how such an idea comes to the mind.

Maybe we should start giving certificates for imagination experience and knowledge.

Wonderful work! Meilleurs voeux,Virgil

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Truely superb image! I love the color scheme. The only minor thing that bothers me is the shadow of the last piece. It seems a bit strong.
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You're not only a great photographer but also an outstanding artist! I am amazed at all your work. I am so glad I found your portfolio. You are so amazing!




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I'm happy to know you and thanks for showing this marvalous image.

When I see how you work I recognise it, your results are so perfect. You must have a lot patience, which I mis a liitle.

You must enjoy making thsose images. Isn't it?


Best regards,


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