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Way in the Rain


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Should I wonder when I meet a couple of jokers in a society of more than 90000 members? No, definitively not! It is simply amazing to see the difference in their (or their hosts') elegance and intelligence.)
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In mid-July of this year the manipulation of ratings (by means of the "carpet bombing" of various photographers' work with minimum scores, and the complementary "gilding" of others' work with maximum scores) got to such a stage that the administration of the site stepped in and made all ratings visible.


As expected, there were some photographers with mostly "10/10" ratings for their pictures and some with many "1/1" ratings. In many cases the highs and lows were given by "aliases" - people who did not really exist, except for a day or so to promote or attack their "friends" or "enemies". One guy in particular was so shamed by the exposure of his manipulation (via 90% "10/10" scores) that he deleted all his pictures and left the site (he is back, but is more modest about his work nowadays).


From July 20 to August 25, realising that just making these scams visible wasn't "doing the trick", the elves unilaterally removed thousands of these fake ratings from the posts of scores of photographers. These ratings were considered to be so blatantly false that their removal required direct action by the administrators of the site.>


In my own case, over 100 1/1 ratings were removed from my uploaded photographs. A number of misguided "10/10" ratings (not posted by me or anyone I know, but there just the same) were also removed, but these were so outweighed by the low scores that my average actually went up in the final analysis.


Back to the low ratings: eight of those 1/1 ratings of my work were from you, Julia, all posted on the same day, July 10... a week or so before they became unexpectedly public. I still don't have a clue as to why, four months ago, you (and others) decided to blitz my work in this manner. At least you used your own name, even if the ratings at that time were anonymous. Most others did not.


Interestingly, as I write, you have subsequently re-rated some of these pictures quite highly (actually just a few days ago, after you mistakenly thought I had praised your work), in stark contrast to your earlier "considered" assessments (for example, http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=147737 where your original July 10 "1/1" rating and your current November "9/9" ratings are both on display).


Yeah, I know, this sounds "personal", and to an extent it is. I don't like to be advised to be "constructive" in my approach to ratings and to be characterised as a bitchy "clown" by people who have themselves shown a capability to use ratings in such a vindictive manner (especially when they thought they could do it anonymously).

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Yes, Julia, please do enlighten us about the 1/1's. I have a hard time understanding how you could claim so blatantly to not care about the ratings after what you did to Mr. Dummett in July to crush his ratings. And you dare to show up here again after that, for shame.

I hope you sleep well at night.

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Should I wonder when I meet a couple of jokers in a society of more than 90000 members? No, definitively not! It is simply amazing to see the difference in their (or their hosts) elegance and intelligence.

Now, an appeal to the hosts of those jokers: Please train your pets a little bit better before letting them go on the stage to lose your face!

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Obviously Im wrong with the description in my latest presentation Hope of a fair rating system and a higher ratio of comments/ratings saying some people fantastically care your ratings, since it can be seen clearly that they simply live for your ratings. After saying they dont care for photos which tell stories, they just could not help to show their talent in telling (historical) stories with such an imagination for that Im particularly untalented, not to mention how boring the whole story is. I must admit Im a bit impressed by their cunning method. But, Im quite sure they dont have a better chance to reach their goal this way than by creating fake accounts to curse me with the rudest words. I hope writing Hope of a fair rating system and a higher ratio of comments/ratings will be my last stupidity to deal with such a boring topic as rating in this site, because I have to accept the fact that photo.net is not a forum exclusively for the photographers any more.

Morwen, you asked about 1/1? Sorry, nothing to tell. But, Im sure Im not the last one in this site who has ever heard that 1 is the highest score in some grade systems in the world.

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I can appreciate that English may be a bit of a struggle (it's not my first language either), but your reply is completely inadequate by any stretch. I'm also curious, all back-stabbing aside, how you can feel so comfortable in the #1 position. Regardless of whether or not the ratings are unbiased (which I believe they are), I would figure someone with only 4 pictures in their portfolio would feel more than a bit embrassed and undeserving to suddenly find herself at the top of the heap and in the spotlight. I believe the word is humility...


I suggest we all simply ignore the top-rated nonsense. It's simpy too late to fix--we have already contaminated the ratings by introducing a new variable (visibilty) half-way through. This works against older photos (ratings inflation and all that) and changes made at this point would bring along a whole new set of consequences/errors. These are fundamental measurement issues.

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Tony asked you direct a question; how do you rationalize your initial 1/1 ratings for many of his photos with your subsequent positive ratings/comments? Please answer this simple question.
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Bert, I have given a clear answer to this question in above message of mine. Let me say it for the last time, according to my experience dealing with Tony recently, it would be a big failure to have faith in him or to take his words seriously, even if they don't sound so strange. The fact is, I had never been aware of his existence until two weeks ago. Anyway, I do know some people who have the bias towards taking any chance to show their importance.
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It may be the LAST time you're going to use this explanation, but it's also the FIRST time we've heard it.


Let me get this straight: In July, you rated someone "1" because you mistakenly thought that was a high score, but that doesn't matter anymore because you never heard of that person anyway till just two weeks ago... so how could you have rated him at all back in July? This gives rise to further questions...


1. Just who IS the mysterious "Man With The Umbrella"?


2. Maybe you have an evil twin, also called "Julia Liu"? Maybe the "Julia Liu" who joined photo.net on June 11, is a different "Julia Liu" than the current "Julia Liu"?


This plot has more twists than a barrel full of pretzels.

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This is an amazing thread. I thought a picture said more then a 1000 words, well not here it doesn't..... no go back out there and shoot pictures
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For all those who've been 1/1'ed, by Julia or anybody else, and are whining about it: shut up, that's the chance you take when you post to photo.net. For all those who believe some conspiracy is behind it: I liked you better when y'all were worried about who was on the grassy knoll.


For Julia: a perfect travelogue photo. The composition and colors work well. Doesn't have a big emotional impact for me, but it's a good photo.

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You have a great collection of pictures. I like all 4 of them. This one is special because of the dull road and building but with some nice bright red accent.


I'm not a prefessional either. Just speaking from my heart. How I feel when I see the image. It doesn't matter to me how much technical skills one might have or might not have. If the image is captivating that is all that matters.


If we rate you among the top-10, so be it. No one should hold it against you because some of us give you high ratings. I don't know you nor am on anyone's bandwagon.


Don't let anyone discourage you. Keep up the good work!!!! Let the pictures do the talking:)






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Yup, show us more of your work Julia. Sorry, can't get rid of feeling that I am looking at a non-real shot. The buildings look really weird and the tracks go to nowhere...

BTW, why did you move your old shots into a new folder?

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If possible, I'd like it if we all could have comments related to the photos and the reaction they provoke in us, and leave the personal shit for emails directly to that person. (Of course, some people don't use a real email address, but whatever, their loss!)



Like the shot. Not amazing, but a solid photo all the same. Why don't you upload more shots?



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I don't know Julia but in her defense I have seen a few comments left on photos that were very simple praises like "Excelent" etc and the subject line of the comment was Aesthetics 1, Originality 1"


I've made this point more than is necassary on the forum and directly to the staff. There is no good up to date instruction available for rating so how can we fault someone because there ratings ideals aren't congruent with ours?

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Another excellent picture in you portfolio. The rain on the cobble stone and tracks gives everything a great glow. Like I said before I am here to learn some stuff and appreciate you posting high quality and interesting pictures. Keep up the good work.
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I originally didn't care for this shot when I first saw it. Now revisiting the shot after many weeks, I find it more apealing.


This rating thread is very interesting. I find it more interesting than some of the POW discussions. I remember when Julia's work rocketed to the top a little while back. The top rated scores since then have gone up considerably. One aspect to the ratings of some work going up in ratings very quickly is the "Top Rated" section of photo.net. It is very easy to find photos that were rated highly by others and continue to snowball the ratings.


As for saying that Julia doesn't deserve to be in the top spots? I don't know...I really enjoy the bit she has shown us so far. I look forward to seeing more of her work.

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I have been a member of this site for only two weeks and realized that this is a really good venue for photographers, both amateurs and professionals alike -- who are also artists in their own right -- where they can share their photographs and experiences with their peers.


Today, I discovered that there is a link to "Top Rated Pictures" and click the link to Julia Liu's name. I clicked on the thumbnail of "Way in the Rain" -- liked the picture, the composition, the placement of the figure with the umbrella; the way the tracks lead one's eyes to the main subject, with its lifted right foot, giving a hint of dynamism to the whole; the texture created by the wet cobble stones, the contrast formed by the the red building with the general grayness of the image -- the way even the almost invisible lamp post in the background contributes and completes the story conveyed by this outstanding photograph.


Then, I scrolled down to the comments below and found the garbage and filth scattered all around -- as if trying to contaminate the beautiful image above with nasty and foul language. Guys, please, we are here to learn, share, and enjoy. The ratings are a plus, but I do not believe that this site is only about these ratings. There are more than a quarter of a million images on this site and less than 10 percent of these will ever be rated, much less critiqued. Do you think that the owners of these other 225,000 images care about your whinings and rantings about ratings? These photographers, like myself, just want to learn, share, and enjoy other people's photographs.


So, please... do not make a big deal out of these ratings. These ratings cannot make your pictures great, nor can these ratings make your pictures lousy. Also, when you want to make a comment about an image, please stick to doing a critique -- do not criticize. I do not think that putting down other people's pictures will necessarily elevate yours.


Oh Julia, by the way, I enjoyed your portfolio.

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Good shot. I've seen a shot similar to this in a photo technique book I have, but somehow this is far better composed. The tracks are what really draw and guide my eyes in this.
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