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I shot a group of seven cousins last night but it was very difficult

to get them all looking good at the same time. I broke them into two

different groups. Here are the boys.

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I just was wondering if someone could let me know why people are giving me 1's & 2's on this. For a group of jittery boys I thought this was a playful idea that they seemed to enjoy. Is the coloring bad? I used a midnight sepia effect since the shot was taken in the evening. It also adds a nice even glow which I think works well with children. You can be completely honest with me... I have never given a 1 and only a handful of 2's. I am frusterated and perplexed. I wish at least the raters would leave me comments or suggestions:-( Help!
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Nice shot. I agree, it should be a rule if you are going to leave a less than average rating you must give comments! Great composition. I bet you had your hands full trying to get them all smiling towards you at the same time:)
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Hi Emily,

This is a great photo, don't worry about it! You'll have to let go of the rating scheme, it can be way too cruel. It is pretty useless as far as feedback for your photo goes. The "site feedback" forum used to be full with people complaining about their 1's and 2's... The answer is to not worry about the rating.

Note that there is also a "critique only" queue which avoids getting ratings but may not get as much attention.

This photo is well posed, but to me does seem too much, well, posed. That maybe what the client wanted, and as a pose goes this one is very well done. Probably no easy task to get 4 boys to pose like this!

The light is very good for an outdoor shot in the evening. This is a very interesting tree you chose with a interesting curve to it. I think it is a pitty that the tree was right next to that white sidewalk barrier thing. You could attempt to edit that out with clone stamps and may make a more pleasing photo overall.

I am not sure if I like the added "soft glow". Never was much of a fan of the "vaseline on the lens" photo that portrait photographers used to use before photoshop. Instead I may try a slightly soft focus or a bit of blur in PS.

Bit of a rambling commentary here, sorry. I do think this is an good photo overall and I hope your client is going to be very happy with it.

Best, Maurik

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You're right - I'll let it go and try to ignore them. I totally agree with the sidewalk distraction and will work on cloning that out. I just took these last night so I haven't had that much time to play with them. I am at work now so when I get home I'll attach the original and cloned version to get your feedback. And yes, it was difficult to get everyone on board with the picture thing. It is much easier working with 5 month old baby that just sit and smile:-) But I am always up for a challenge and learn with each shoot. Thanks for your feedback.
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I love the shot, but I'm not too crazy about the blur you added to it. The very boyish atmosphere would rather call for an opposite effect, if anything.
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Emily- I think you did a wonderful job! 4 Boys!!!!! Give me a break! I like the way their heads are leaning and it makes me look in a counter clockwise circle. I do agree about the walk, I'd clone that out. Tell me about this blur you added. I like it. It kind of looks like a glow type filter causing the white shirts to glow, I think it works well, decreases the details of the shirt and forces you to look at those impish faces! Nice hair lights too.


Don't pay any attention to the few low ratings, probably from some goofball who only likes nudes. Have you regained your sanity? :)

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Seeing the original, I'm starting to understand why you chose the blur effect. The shot does actually call for something like that. Maybe you (in my opinion) just overdid it a little. But, by all means: it's a great shot. Don't pay too much attention to me.,..
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Nate - did you see the original image attached? Since this was taken in the evening I didn't care for the colors on the original. Do you have any suggestions?
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I'll add my vote to the cloning out of the path but other than that I think this is a great shot! If your clients (and the grandparents, aunts and uncles!) don't like it i'll be shocked. A job well done i'd say!!
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Ignore ratings Emily, they mean absolutely nothing! This is a great shot. (Maybe the 1's & 2's are from talentless, jealous Hopefulls)
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Emily, I think this is gorgeous! It reminds me of the photographs that are done on canvas as oil paintings. It really makes me rethink some of my shots and how they might be enhanced. You have great artistic vision.
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