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Contemplative Morning


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Well seen and executed! Although I suspect the shell was "posed" it ads a nice dimension to the foreground. The lighting, colors, and composition are spot-on.
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Thank you for your comment. yes the shelle was "posed". Here are a few more details if anyone is interested...


This was photographed at sunrise along the Atlantic Coast in Long Beach Island NJ. The sun had come up already but ducked behind some clouds, but midway through this 10 second exposure the sun peeked out and cast the long shadow from the conch shell (which was placed there on purpose). Also, I set my white balance on flourescent, which gave it a bluer cast. I did do some PS work as well, but all the elements in the photo are in the original (conch shell, 3 pillars, seagull in the middle, sea, and sky). If anyoone is super interested in seeing the straight image from the camera I could post a link to it somewhere on my web site. Thanks for looking.

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Fantastic image. Personally I would leave the shell. It detracts from the 3 posts and their reflection.


I think this image would be even stronger (its a hell of a image :) with the shell cropped out.



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Very interesting point of view for this composition.Excellent colours you realised here,congratulations,regards,Radu
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A lovely image full of grace. The shell in the foreground successfully leads the eye up into your composition. Such pleasing colors that evoke a peaceful mood.
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Wow, superbe work...and yes it would be cool to see the " original" straight from the camera - downsized, of course- i bet i can appreciate your work more then...




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Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them. Attached to this comment is the original file from the camera. Thanks again.

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Thanks for posting the original file. The difference between the original and the final version is huge! Outstanding photo.
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Very nice composition, and equally good photo editing; you've produced a great image. Another alternative might be to offset the pilings to the left and the shell to the right just a bit, so that the eye flows somewhat diagonally rather than vertically....just a thought.
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Very nice Picture Todd it's really good.

I was thinking of one day maybe upgrading my Camera and was wondering what you think of yours?

I hear that they are heavy and so I was wondering what you think? It would most likely be yours but the newer one with the N on the end of it or the 5D, but I am not in a big hurry. So I was wondering what you think.



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I upgraded from my Sony F717 to the Canon 1D Mark II in July of 2004. This was a DRASTIC difference in weight. To be expected of course. It is heavy but then again I haven't held other pro digital cameras either. Overall I am very happy with it. The sensor needs cleaning, but they all get dirty. I was unhappy when I put my new 70-200mm L, Canon IS lens on it and the camera would lock up all the time. I only found out that it is an exisiting problem after the purchase. I think I can send it to Canon to get "fixed", but I'm not sure it's a guaranteed fix. I can use the lens with manual focus and that semms to be ok. I think the lens draws too much from the battery or something *shrugs* not sure. Anyway, I am happy with the camera overall. I only print 16 X 24 which I think is about the threshold fo the files from this camera. It might be nice to be able to make even larger prints though. I would recommend this camera to any serious photographer. I hope that helps you somewhat. :) Good luck.
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Nice. Perhaps a bit more saturated than I'd prefer (something between the original and this would be my preference), but that's a matter of taste. The seagull on the middle pillar is a nice touch, as are the marks on the sand.


Perhaps a one or two steps back and camera tilted a tiny bit up would have been better, as a bit more sky would have been showing without compromising the foreground?


But nonetheless, it's beautiful. Congratulations!

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The "ordered" centered piers are dramatic ...offset by the foreground shell which is ever-so-slightly off-centered.

Perhaps the best Comp I've ever seen.


Warm Regards

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Very nice, although I do prefer less saturation except in the sky (reds). You have such a beautiful composition and tones here, and I feel that too strong saturation take away some the impact of the composition and the subtlety of the tones.
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