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For more information please check my website http://photography.screamtabu.com, thank you!

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Great action with the water, especially liking the highlghts. It clearly shows more than merely jumping on deck taking snapshots. This was an easy rate for me! Warm Regards Ferrando
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This one was taken on the same day as "Making Miles" was, I suppose. Although they both are class A capture to me but the reflection on this one is more dramatic. I always wondered how this composition would have been if the sun was a bit more towards the center, more towards where the red bars on top of the boat are leading you.


This, by no means, is to take away from the great results you have achieved here, just a crazy thought.

Thank you for your kind comment on my image.

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Spectacular. Beautiful colors. I like the drama of the rough sea. The moment of capture is very good and I like the water splashing off the vessel. Nice idea of turning towards the sun here.
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Don, yes it was one of the few moments that I had to get my camera and concentrate in taking some photos with nice light conditions in the hole trip! (one hour aprox. automatic pilot was on, but I had to listen the meteo report for the night and make loads of stuff; radar, trimming sails, some warm food for dinner, etc..) 8^) , luckily I had this late sunbathe that gave me energies, thanks for stopping by!


Cyrus, yes is the same day as "Making Miles", you can see there the sun is a bit more closer to the center, this is an interesting idea, but adding that the course was to free the cape near the sun what I did was just the contrary 8^), change the course in rudder a few degrees just to make also the inceeding light more crosstalked with the deck and hole scene, I specially liked the aluminium boom and sail reflection, in this case more intense becuase the increased angle with sun (the less angle the less reflection and intensity), I will upload a more centered sun image just to see the difference, thanks for the suggestion and feedback Cyrus!, much appreciated


Thai, this are real soft and ideal sea conditions, sometimes you dont see anything but obscure peaks of water moving around like tanks! 8^), I will try and shoot with strong conditions in the next chance, an assignature I still would like to make effective, thanks for the nice words and for stopping by!


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I've always imagined that sailing on the sea would be enriching for ones soul, your image has certainly uplifted mine. The lovely light seems to be guiding the boat off into the horizon. The setting sun is reflecting off everything creating great harmony in this image. Someone told me once that a good photo tells a story and this one, for me, is about adventure.
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An Amazing picture. Your ability to consistently capture such images is a testament your talent and skill. Beautiful color, composition and exposure... Well done!!!
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ferrando , te felicito,El angulo del shot es perfecto,en toda su magnitud esta foto te lleva en el raudo movimiento de la nave...y es mas..!hasta puedes "sentir "la brisa del anochecer y el ruido de las olas..., Es toda magnifica! Los colores llenos de armonia!

Una foto para disfrutarla por mucho tiempo.

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Very powerful image, love the composition. The back lighting for the splash is so cool. Nice light and color, should be in a book or travel ad.
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Espectacular, una foto complicada que has resuelto con maestrí¡®


Tras una temporada "castigado" sin poder puntuar, aquí ´e dejo la que yo creo que merece esta foto 7/7


Enhorabuena, saludos.

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B蠮on si pu� dire molto viene voglia di andare in barca!!!


I want go with this "boat" is very nice photo, the light and the "place"!!!

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Una maravilla de imagen, con esa luz calida del atardecer pintando las olas y el velero con esas tonalidades naranjas.

Me encanta el Mar y los barcos aunque lamentablemente aun no he probado lo que es navegar en Mar abierto en un velero.

El titulo muy apropiado, la imagen que sin duda Colon y sus hombres comtemplaron una y otra vez durante su apasionante aventura.

Un cordial saludo.

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Susan, Bartek, Julio, Brian, Dave, Ali, Marcela, Frank, Miguel Angel, Massimo, Jesus; really thank you for the great feedback!
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WOW! Absolutely fantastic. Composition, values, color, mood - everything is just perfect. Congratulations!
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Impresionante colorido, magní¦©ca correspondencia y equilibrio entre el sol del horizonte y la barra de la vela (?se llama así¿¬ y sobre todo admiro c�mo muestra la belleza del mundo y, detrá³ de la cá­¡ra, la suerte del que saca la foto, por estar ahí ¥n ese momento. Gracias.
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