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Mothers, Wives and Lovers ...


Series Inspired by my best friend - she too is a Mother, Wife and Lover ........ (-;

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Dedicated to hard-working Mothers, Wives and Lovers everywhere ....... By far - the hardest imaginable Job there is.


Symbolism thru-out .......... 1st in a Series of 3 - maybe 4 ... (-;


Best Viewed Big - Scooted back in your chair - at night - with the lights turned off ...


Also this is my 1st digital upload and still-life on Photo.net - thanks to a local Buddy who loaned me his DigiCam - (-;


I will be updating this comment periodically.

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Since this is a series I would like to share my first impressions and see what the other shots display.

OK ...first off the box of explosives is a hilarious and risky comment. The straw hat is off and the boots are dirty meaning the work is done for now - both the hat and boots would be different for "steppin' out" attire. The bit is used to steer but this one is unbridled and oxidized-so it hasn't been used for awhile(pondering that one)-The bright flowers are a nice touch of color and femininity. I can't wait to see your other shots:-)

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If not a Texan should do a cowboy still then no one ever should....


Am I completely wrong if I guess the symbolic is about yourself?


And what I'm pondering most is the title ...

Damned nice Phot, Ken.

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My first impression was if I would have had the task to tidy up this place that's probably how it would look like - everything in a box, pushed to the wall in a neat row like on a book-shelf. Add some decoration (the flowers). Then my love would step in and would cry 'what have you been doing?', would pull the box away from the wall, take out the hat and maybe some other things I stuffed in. So this is my (VERY subjective) interpretation of the title ;-)
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I want to clarify that I wanted to and rightfully so rate this with 7's but the new rules wont let me. These are fine shots Ken-both of them. I would definitely hang them up-maybe in a cabin in Montana hmmm....:-)Matching set!
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Howdy Michael - good point as usual. If I had included Daughters, I would have to also include Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, Grandmothers and that 'funny' Uncle in Detroit - (-; - and the title would become a little *weighty* ............. I had one person in mind when I shot this series - and she is all 3 things covered in the title and much more. This particular shot is dedicated to Mothers, Wives and Lovers everywhere and the near feats of magic they perform on a daily basis - My Cowboy hat's off to you Gals - jaaaaa ...


Many of the items are related to *transportation* - the bridle, harness, bit and horseshoes. They drive to work, to the bank, to the grocery store, to the mechanic, to school(s), to the airport, to soccer practice, to birthday parties, the doctor, the dentist, haircuts and on and on. And are still expected to make it home and *clean house* - symbolized by the flowers ........... *Fetch and Cook* dinner - symbolized by the shotgun shells in the other images in the series ............. The box of Explosives implies the careful *handling* required of such a creature - deservedly so ............. The Boots and Hat are work clothes and just *tools of the trade* - Neither rain nor sleet nor gloom of night keeps these couriers from their appointed rounds - this includes 12 hour work days and little sleep - try that in high heels and a beehive hairdo - sol.


And then after a full day of this - when the kids are finally fed, and homework done, and entertained, and bathed and put to bed - They still find time - to be a Woman and a Lover .......... Abso*uckinglutey Amazing - I put this person on a pedistal - and look up to and admire - the strength and courage it takes to face these things on a daily basis - My hat's off to you Cowgirl ...


Did I mention laundry and dishes and being a *damn good* photographer too ... ?



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I will reply further soon (comp willing) - I'm supposed to be out looking for a place to live right now - 'Starting Over' you know ...
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I like this shot more than the other two images.

I like too the desaturation of part of the image with the red rose, but this composition and position of the objects (the hunt for example) is better for me.

Dear Ken, I dislike very much that I am not able to understand completely all the comments, becose my english is really approximative.

Ciao to all!

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And they do all this from the heart, without expectation, surviving on a few kind words and simple acknowledgement - if they're lucky enough to get it.


More remarkably is their forgiving heart when they're wronged because they know a little kindness goes along way - both ways.

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Arthur - I had no idea I had any influence on you at all - words of appreciate for your kindness escape me at the moment - I sincerely thank you for this ......... Your gesture means a great deal Amigo.


dot dot dot Colin dot dot dot - I very much appreciate your input and support - It's very much a Cyber-jungle out there - Keeping the Normans/Saxons/Romans and Trojans at bay ..... the seige continues - I'll be back when I can ... (-;


Michael you are wise and insightful beyond your years - very proud I am to call you friend ...... Very Proud.


Speaking of wise and insightful - *ee* your observation is right on the money ........ In this case, the other half is nowhere to be found - part of my reason for expressing appreciation and awe at this particular individual - and Mothers, Wives and Lovers in general -- thank you for noting that.


Ghiga - please let me introduce you to a friend - who speaks your language and mine - and he can perhaps help you with the translation ..... smiling out loud.



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Someone asked for me? Est ce que vous voulez une traduction? Welche Sprache sollen wir sprechen? Italiano immagino ^^


So you are using a digicam at last!Guess you are used to a much wider light range and will soon give it back to your friend:)


Bis spater!



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I prefer this one among the three, Ken. I always associate sunflowers with Van Gogh and, don't know, the various elements in the composition remind me of the twisted world of his. Impeccable, anyway, all three. Did the comp recover?
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Ilona thank you very much for stopping by and sharing that - always nice to see you - (-;


Simone ! - ha - big smile - sorry to rattle your cage but if you get time to contact Ghiga and help her out I would appreciate it very much ........... AND don't be such a stanger old friend - you are welcome here anytime - smile.


Paula thank you so much for taking the time - and yes my world is a bit twisted at the moment - in teresting that it shows here -- As for the good computer I'm afraid it is gone for good - it will stay here when I move and start over. Still using a friend's older computer - not enough storage space left on it to hook up my scanner even - sighhhhh - )-;


*ee* - ha - no need to be sorry - she is a Very strong Lady ........ smile.

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I'm helping Ghiga a bit, but your sentences are sometimes so out of any ordinary context it's hard to turn them in my usual nice, acculturated and clean italian "della crusca" ^^ :-)


Just in case... ^^ means :-) and is much faster to do and you can invert it as much as you want ^^ - I learned this with a stupid online game, I'm too L337!




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This shot is nice, too, actually, but totally different mood! I like the lightness of this one actually.
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"but your sentences are sometimes so out of any ordinary context" - well of course - wouldn't be me if they were anything else - Thank you Simone !! ............ Ghiga - keep an eye on him for me - smile ...


*ee* - very strong yes - very strong indeed - (-;


Hello *V* - thank you very much - I'm glad you find one you like !

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