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I'm peering in to the darkness, looking for a piano...


It has a certain drama and moodiness and I like the way the sun is reflected in the strip of wet sand in the foreground. I think you could crop it square (from the right side, leaving the sun still slightly off centre) -- but that's probably just a personal bias - though I do like the enhanced formatlity of a square crop in this case. But this won't be an image of yours that I'll return to and ponder. I'm curious - what inspired you to post it?

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This is a cropped version - the sun was dead center, but the elements to the right and left were out of balance. I liked the shadow detail, but I suspect more than a few monitors won't be able to show it. Printing could be tricky as well . . . haven't tried it yet.
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This is so different from your usual images, diversity is good,and I find this one dark, moody, and romantic. Too dark maybe.
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Moody, dark and contrary. How long have you known Carl anyway? ;-)


This photograph reminded me of the old adage, "Never underestimate the value of a well executed cliche." Your monitor calibration chart shows just how bad my monitor at work really is, so since I am unable to comment on the aesthetics let me ask a question instead. Are all sunsets photos a cliche or do some rise (or set) above others?


I assume that any red-blooded photographer would be unable to resist taking a shot like this. I think what makes this one work is the combination or division of warm and cool colors. The silhouetted rocks remind me of a sphinx or perhaps a dragon. Something primal and ancient at any rate. To me, sunsets make me feel like I am witnessing the beginning of the world as if someone had hit the restart button and all the slates were suddenly wiped clean. No more wars or conflicts, just second chances.


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Dennis, you're exactly right. I brought my FE and a tripod to Mexico just before my first child was born in 1982. Would I have taken it if there were no silhouetted rocks to add a bit of interest? Don't know. All I know is that I knew very little about composition back then. This is a center weighted bulls eye compsition, cropped a bit to conform to "rules" . . . . and because I think the sun looks better on the power point.
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I still know very little about composition or anything else for that matter. On my monitor at work this looks more like "Moonrise in Mexico." I am a little surprized that there or no difraction rings or stars in this photo.


Note - I went in and pegged all the color channels on my monitor and now I can see a little more of the shadow details in the surf.


The closest I can come to something similar is a month I spent working in Santa Monica. Your shot reminds me of that experience. I hope your time in Mexico was just as memorable.

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