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Pentax 67 screen replacement


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As I do not have easy access to a camera tech at this time I would

like to change the focusing screen on my Pentax 67 myself. Are there

any special tools needed to accomplish this? If anyone could walk me

through this it would be appreciated. I understand there is a

potential collimation problem, but I would like to attempt it regardless.

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There are no special tools required, aside from a small Phillips head screwdriver and some patience. Please note that it is possible to end up with a camera that does not focus properly.


I set the camera on a tripod (with the old screen in place) and focused it at something at infinity. The lens is probably now at the infinity mark but its good to check. Leaving the camera in place, I took the old screen out and put the new one in. You adjust the three screws so that the object at infinity is in focus all across the screen. You�ll need to move the camera a little to visit all parts of the screen.


You can check focus two ways. I taped a newspaper to the wall, squared the camera to it, and locked the shutter open with the back open. Take your old screen and place it where the film goes. It might help to tape it in place. I marked the point of correct focus on the lens barrel with a pencil. Compare that point of focus with what you see in the viewfinder and adjust the screen accordingly.


The last test should be with film. Tape a finishing nail to a yardstick and position the stick so it points at the camera. Focus closely on the nail at a wide aperture and shoot. The nail should also be exactly in focus on the negative. If the plane of perfect focus is off (front or back) you then adjust the screen.


If any of this scares you, I would recommend having a camera guy do it. I was fairly easily able to get the screen adjusted to within my ability to focus the lens. Good luck.

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