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Night portrait with city lights as background


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I need confirmation or correction:

If I want to do a portrait of my family at night with a city scape as

background, I would set up the camera on a tripod, I already know the

exposure (8 sec. at f8 / 100 ISO), set my flash to the appropriate

setting for the distance from camera to subject, and shoot it like I

was simply taking a picture of the city. I would imagine the flash

would light up the subjects in the foreground and the longer exposure

will capture the city lights. Am I thinking of this correctly?


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Make sure there's no ambiant light on your subjects, or they will look smudged. If they move during the exposure, the lights may show through them, which can be cool. Try it both ways... t <p>I think f8 is overkill, unless you've got a big family stacked in a way that requires a big DOF. If the city's a little out of focus, it really won't matter that much.<div>006vFp-15916984.jpg.e985798259d9107fe706eb85b297a05c.jpg</div>
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I posted my initial response before I saw your 2nd example. I was thinking of trying that 2nd idea, wasnt really sure what the results would be. Now I know. I think your first example is more of what I had in mind. Although, I will try it both ways.

Because it is a little cold in Cincinnati right now, I dont know how much cooperation I will get from everyone. I will have to work fast.


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I have tried this with 3 different methods. Briefly.


A: As in horrible family photo above (sorry) with a fill in flash.

B: Get your subject to stay very still and not blink using a long exposure (see my photo "chris on Balcony" )

C: Double exposure. Shoot background first (lock-off on tripod) then put in subject and use minimum ammount of flash as possible. This can be a bit hap hazard but you can get some quite funky results.

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