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Portrait Backgrounds

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Hey y'all. Didn't know quite where to post this, so I thought this

was as good a place as any.


I'm working on setting up a studio, and I'm finally ready to buy

some simple backgrounds. My question is this: Where are the best

places to buy backdrops and frames/stands? I'm searching both in

terms of price and quality-- I don't mind paying a little more for

higher quality.

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Id suggest B&H Photo in NYC.Simple backgrounds,can be as inexpensive as a roll of seamless paper.These can be attached to a wall with piece of tape,this eliminates buying a cheap set of background stands.If you have a bigger budget,fabric backgrounds and fancy stands,can also be had.
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You could always create sets. Usually backgrounds are out of focus *at least according to my photography teacher, you use a large aperature and zoomed in all the way on a telephoto lense so the subject is in focus and the background doesnt distract8. On one forum I was on, someone suggested going to yard sales and picking things up like book cases and old thick books to put on it, and create a set like studio for the background. It doesnt matter if the stuff looks expensive, because it will be out of focus.


theres also the idea of flags. State/province, country, organization, etc.


Or simply go to the fabric store and get somethjing that is large enough to go over the back. I would expect the professional backgrounds are quite expensive, whereas these ideas would be much cheaper. :0).

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You may not get B&H's catalogs, but a company called Botero makes portable backgrounds. They fold up and store in a pouch like the pop open reflectors. They have these at B&H, and a 8x16 full length background is only $124 or so (price is approximate, but very close)! 38 colors! For that kind of price, they may be worth looking at!
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I've gotten B&H catalogues for a little over a year now, but haven't really price checked backdops against other companies, and haven't had the need or the means to buy much other than a few filters from them yet. Glad to hear that their prices on other things are competitive for things other than filters!
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  • 1 year later...
I have bought backdrops from many different companies. The best company that I have delt with is www.aurabackdrops.com. The have great customer service and they have a very high quality backdrop. My favorite backdrops from them are Coffee Bean, Ultra thick black, and there hand painted Morning Dew. Good luck
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