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Olympus C5050ZOOM images in monitor are reversed and flipped

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I just got my camera a few months ago. Everything was fine and running

perfectly. Yesterday as I was taking some pictures, my monitor flipped and

reversed not only the images, but the information displayed in the view as

well. Has this happened to anyone else?


I've reset my camera, recharged the batteries and reformatted the memory

cards. Help.<div>008KmK-18101484.jpg.ee637d32c7ffdea95bd08e5d20bd2f6b.jpg</div>

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Does the LCD screen flip out and rotate around? My Canon G2's does, and the image reverses so that it looks normal when the screen faces the front (this sounds crazy, but somehow it works out OK). Maybe your screen is partially out, and the camera thinks it is facing frontwards... ?
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"I'd try taking out the batteries and leaving it overnight."


Thank you for the suggestion. I've tried it, and it still persists.


"I'd also email Olympus and see what they say."


I'm still waiting for their response, and when I find out, I'll make sure to post it

for further reference. Thanks again for the response.


"Does the LCD screen flip out and rotate around?"


The monitor doesn't rotate; I wish it did. The monitor is mounted on an arm

that flexes out in 2 joints (like a very mini-accordian). It doesn't really rotate.


I suspect my Zoom function has been affected by the weird monitor behavior. I

was trying to shoot some images and my camera could not focus...I've read

some other queries regarding the motor...possible malfunction? I'll probably

have to send the bugger in for repairs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Solution.


I sent my camera in to Olympus for repairs. Luckily or not, my camera is

practically new so it was still covered under the warranty. Let me preface by

saying that I had called the service line and told the tech about my problem

and he had never heard of this peculiar predicament, so hopefully this won't

occur to other owners of the 5050Zoom.


A note on the invoice listed that they changed the LCD monitor and "chem"

(not legible enough to figure out). So I don't know why this happened nor how

to avoid it. But I must say, when I received my camera, I was so shocked at the

condition of the package; one side of the box looked like an accordian. They

really don't invest enough in packaging for me to "highly" recommend them,

but they did fix it and I guess that's all that matters.


Thank you to everyone with their suggestions or concerns.

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