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Tokina 100mm 2.8 AF ATX


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I just purchased a Tokina 100mm 2.8 AF ATX lens for my Nikon outfit

and of course I didn't receive any instructions with it. I have

figured out how to lock down the aperature for auto focusing but

there is a little switch on the lens barrel that points to

either "full" or "limit". Maybe it has something to do with the macro

capability of the lens? It don't know. Any clues would be

appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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If it's like most macros, it limits the focusing range so

that if the lens hunts for focus it doesn't hunt for as long

before turning around and finding it.


Say the limit is at 1 metre. If you turn it on when the lens

is focused at infinity it will only hunt between infinity and 1 m

when trying to find focus.


If you have the lens focused at minimum and then turn it on

it will only hunt over the macro range out to 1m.


A handy feature.



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