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Whats in Rochester


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Corporate H.Q for some company with products that come in yellow packages

that has a knack for discontinuing products that customers really like, and

placing more emphasis on products that MAX out on the crap scale!

Leverkusen, Germany on the other hand has corporate headquarters of a

company with red diamonds on their products, who also discontinue beloved

products and have no intention of replacing them!! ;-)


Sorry for being way off topic there!! If you have the time, go visit Niagara falls.

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You can't let yourself miss the George Eastman House, as was stated. The Eastman School of Music is cool if there is anything going on, other than that, there isn't a whole lot to do here...which is something to consider when going to school at RIT. Notice the fact that the campus is in the middle of nowhere, basically forcing you to have a car if you want to get off campus. Notice the lack of women on campus. Notice also the weather, it's the nicest it gets around now. In the summer it's unbearably hot and humid, the campus is in a swamp, unless you live in Ellingson or NRH (last I knew) you won't have AC in your dorm room. In the winter it's frequently -10 or less with windchill and raining ice. Notice the large piece of crap we have near the SAU, it cost $7million.


Notice the bitter students who hang out on internet forums when they have a paper due tomorow they haven't come up with a topic for.

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Notice I'm not nearly as bitter as pat.


Weather is weather, and I like the winter season anyway. Beautiful photographs can be made during the winter. As far as the campus goes, its a young campus and it will be a while before it settles in, so be it. I'm not that grumpy.


There's a lot to do in Rochester. Actually a LOT. WHOLE HECK OF A LOT! But I don't do it, just like any other RIT student. So we complain about it but realize we're just too lazy to take advantage of a lot of what Rochester has to offer. If someone is telling you otherwise, they're kidding themselves and are just gumpy bastards.


Other than that you could come visit me, or go to the Eastman house. I recommend that one, all the usual things. Check out Letchworth SP, and some other fun things in the area. The falls (some good eats around there), and go see the lake. Durand Eastman park isn't a bad place, I've taken a number of photographs there.


As far as that new metal mechagodzilla turd we have on Campus, I just ignore it. Some like it, and as I understand from one professor its actually a lot of fun to shoot (he is a little weird granted).

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I agree with those above about going to the George Eastman House. You shouldn't miss it!!!

<br><br>Hanging out on Gibbs Street is really fun, too, as it's close to the Eastman School of Music and Little Theatre which are both really cool! The East end is bustling these days, since it has experienced something of a miraculous revival, and also, all the pale-faced Rochesterians have spent a long and tiring winter indoors, and the weather is finally starting to turn! Try eating on Monroe Avenue or Park Avenue though, since things are a little less expensive there. Sinbad's on Park between Berkeley and Argle streets is exceptionally good. There's a community darkroom at 715 Monroe Avenue too, which is very interesting!

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Well, I've heard about the boring town, but between the rest of NY state and a large body of water, I'm fine. A lack of women on campus would be something to worry me, as I'm not afraid to say that that is one of the things one looks forward to in college. But I won't let it dictate my choice of school.


The weather...well, I like the warm weather better, but my parents have ruled out most of the nice places, as you have to fly to get there. Not being a city person, I already have a car, but I doubt my '97 Jeep (with 7+ recalls) will make it another year and the trip to Rochester.

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Jason A,


Toronto, Ontario in Canada is only a short drive away from you... there's all sorts of good

stuff to shoot (that is... to photograph) up there!


And, with the cheaper Canadian buck... you'll get more bang for the dollar!



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Along with GEH, check out the Visual Studies Workshop, which is across the street,

and the gallery at the Community Darkroom on Monroe Ave., The Memorial Art

Gallery on East Ave. has a very nice collection as well. If you have an interest in live

theatre there is GEVA, downtown.

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