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Photo Gallery: Dancers

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I just started photographing a local dance company based in the Lower East Side. I'll

be covering their rehearsals and their performances later this month. I've put some

work-in-progress photos up on my website. <a href="http://vanle.com/experiencia/

index.html">You can see the gallery here.</a> As usual, any and all criticisms/

comments/critiques are welcome.<p>


<center><img src="http://vanle.com/experiencia/images/04-9300.jpg"><p>

<i>Rehearsal (copyright 2004 Richard Van Le)<i></center><p>


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Ugh. I always screw up the HTML. Sorry.<p>


At any rate, for this project, I've been shooting a combination of digital and TMax

3200. The shots online are all digital -- the film stuff is being scanned right now and

will be up later next week. No tripod, all handheld. There's too much action going on

for me to be tethered to a tripod. As a result, some of the photos could be a tad bit

sharper. However, in some of them, I don't mind the blurriness. Exposure ranged

from shutter speeds of 8-45, with f-stops of 1.8-4. I'll have to check my notes and

the EXIF info for more specifics.

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