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Best digital camera for the tropics

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In that sort of humidity mould is the real killer.


Ive owned film cameras which simply stopped working because they were shorted out by these growths.


Getting a sealed(ie, Pro) camera would be a good idea, as a first barrier, and also, cause your likly to be in part of the wet season, you wont have to worry about rain damage.


Check out




for a few model ideas.


Also, youll find that theres a lightbulb in your wardrobe to stop your cloths going mouldy. Keeping your camera in there while its not in use would be an idea.

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The only waterproof digital cameras that I've seen advertised are made by Pentax and Olympus. Pentax makes a 3MP and 4MP model called the Optio 33WR and 43WR. I'm not really sure about the Olympus one. These might not be what you are looking for. Have you thought about buying a plastic waterproof housing for a model that you like?
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