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Epson 2200 --> no yellow??

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Hi there,


After an hour or three tweaking the contrast & color of a landscape in Photoshop (including soft-proofing to my Epson 2200 under "relative colorimetric", I finally got set to print out my picture and call it a night. I was quite surprised to see a magenta & blue picture come out! All the places that should've been green were blue, so I'm surmising that I'm getting no yellow output from the printer. This is in spite of a full yellow cartridge and the fact that just a few months ago I printed just fine with the same cartridges (and the printer's been covered up during the duration, so no weird environmental factors). Has anyone seen behavior like this before?





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From the utility you will first have to do a nozzle check which will almost certainly confirm

my suspicion that you have a clogged head. Then you do a head clean cycle (from the

same utility) ... probably several times. Keep doing it until the nozzle check produces a

clean pattern.

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Hi James, I had a similar experience and no amount of head cleaning and nozzle checks would fix it. In the nozzle check, the yellow simple didn't print. I replaced the cartridge, cleaned the contacts, etc., etc. Finally I called Epson and this is where things got interesting. At the time this happened, my printer was 1 1/2 years old and I believe, out of warranty. So the guy at Epson asks me for my serial number and I give it to him and there's a pause... He comes back and says "You're in luck! It's still under warranty!" Well, I didn't argue! Sooo... Epson sent me another printer which of course arrived DOA. I was pretty pissed - it was a refurb. Finally, they sent me yet another one that's been humming along fine. I suspect it's in Epson's interest to keep their customers printing otherwise they can't sell us ink and paper. Good luck!
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I'm not quite a year into my printer and I've already spent an amount equal to the purchase price in (Epson) ink and (mostly Ilford) paper. And I'm not THAT heavy a user. (AND I'm not complaining - I love the results). They should give the printers away for free to anyone who wants one!
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