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Hi all, I am in the process of researching album design software for Macs.

Does it even exist? I know of Performer Pro for PC and others, but I am

specifically looking for a Mac software program that has various album

company mat configurations...


And if there isn't such a thing for Macs, how do you Mac users out there

design your albums in a timely manner? Specially, matted albums? Do you

just envision it using the mat configurations pictures, or do you map it out in



There's gotta be an easier way...


If anyone knows of where I can find this, please respond!!



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Art Leather sells the <a href="http://www.artleather.com/st2000_public/">Montage PRO

software</a> (may actually be free) for Mac / PC for album layout and design. I haven't

used it yet and my rep told me it would be ready for download (for Mac) in April '04. I

haven't gotten around to it. Call your Art Leather rep.


Frankly, I've always done it the old fashion way ... paper and pencil to create a layout with

the images represented by the file #s. Takes me less than an hour to layout a basic 12+

page album. I suppose this software will be more efficient and I will have to look into it.

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I don't mean composites, but designing an album that fits into standard album

configurations (e.g. Leather Craftsmen). I've looked into Montage and my rep

says that the Mac version is not updated, but I've ordered one anyways (it's

free of charge, plus S&H). For anyone out there who works in the software

industry, please make more stuff available for us Mac users!

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For all Mac users...I've found the solution!!! It is a wonderful software program

called Digital Studio LP by a company called LabPrints. www.labprints.com. I

can design my album, have the images sized automatically, and have my

order sent off to my lab, all from my computer! I am so happy I found this and I

wanted to share it with all other Mac users out there.

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I never understood why a photographer would let someone else do their digital printing?

I mean, am I too much a control freak or what? I use Art Leather, and print my own inkjet and use the Futura albums with the mattes and inserts. Can you really get good results by letting them print this stuff for you? How do you syncronize your profiles and such?

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