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First Spotmatic...thought I'd Share.


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A couple of months ago I happened upon a Pentax 35mm SLR at a yard

sale. Being a sucker for old cameras, especially when the price is

right, I snatched it up. I was familiar with the Spotmatic name, and

knew it was a well-made classic but wasn't familiar with the various

models. Turns out I purchased the first Spotmatic introduced back in

1964, which according to many articles I've read, was the first SLR

with TTL metering. The meter still happens to be accurate after 40

years. I bought it from the original owner who had it in storage for

a while. Came with two extra lenses and three extra mercury

batteries still in their original packaging. I've read some good

things about the Super-Takumar 50/1.4 M42 lens and was very satisfied

with the results from the Ilford HP5+ I just ran through it.

Although some of the images were a bit grainy, due to the HP5, they

are quite sharp. The scans don't do them justice. This camera has a

comfortable feel to it, and I can see why it still has a following.

It's nice to stumble across a classic camera, even better when it has

some additional historical significance.<div>00Ak6h-21324884.jpg.0470d744ac9c84889801a400eb89ba05.jpg</div>

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Very nicely composed, nonetheless. Yer making my spendin' finger all itchy and chit. While not a Spottie, the place I found my Bull's-Eye has a cherry (or sure looks cherry) Minolta XG1 for $35, big, bad, beautiful Rokkor lens on it with glass that sucks you in like a crystal ball. Drooool.
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Oh man, now you've gone and done it!


I'm sweating now thinking about that camera. It is a lovely little device. My lab guys have cautioned - "Very expensive to repair!"


I figure, for $35 I can play around, and SHOULD it break, I can sell the glass (that would give me two short Rokkor lenses) for what I sunk into the camera.



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The Spotmatic is a very nice camera, as is the Pentax SP-F, I have both in my collection. As for the XG1, mine has film in it a lot. The XG Series by Minolta is one of my favorites, I have the XG1, XG1n, XG2, XG-SE, XG7, and the XG9. The XG9 has DOF Preview.<p>Randy Jay
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Very nice shots from the Spotmatic. I'm curious -- what type of meter does your Spotmatic use? Selemium? I've read that those meters last a long, long time.


Not to draw attention away from the wonderful photos above, but my .02 about the Minolta XG-1: for $35 you CANNOT go wrong. As an avid Minolta collector and user I was thrilled last year to stumble upon an XG-9 for $36. Combined with a used Rokkor MD 50mm f/1.7 (another $22) I got a nice available light camera for under $60. I replaced the light seals myself (another $10) and have been happily shooting with it ever since. You'll be kicking yourself if you don't drop that $35.

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Chris the Pentax Spotmatic features CdS-cell center weighted TTL metering. When I was inspecting the camera I was happy to see that the meter responded. It wasn't until I got it home and was able to test it against my hand-held meter that I discovered it was pretty much 'spot' on, pardon the pun.


CE, get the Minolta. 35 bucks is a good value and your addiction will be fed. Cheaper than Heroin, or so I'm told(?) I too prefer the Minolta brand for SLR shooting, eventhough that has now expanded to include Pentax. You can't beat the quality to price ratio. I'm a poor man's collector/shooter and will probably never own a Nikon or Hassey, although I may start saving for a Rollei. Minolta never disappoints. I have a couple of Maxxums and some old rangefinders, but my best Minolta find was an SRT 202 (1975.) Found this gem, early last year, on a Goodwill shelf mixed in with a bunch of junk. Someone mismarked it as $1.99 and since it happened to be a half-price day, I got it for one buck. Couldn't believe it. Had the wonderful 50/1.7 Rokker, and aside from a non-functioning meter the camera is in perfect condition. Looks new. Proof miracles do happen...

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TW, the spotmatics are great cameras!

can;t go wrong with those. The CdS cell last for a very very long time.


If you need the manuls ou'll find those at http://www.pentax-manuals.com/


Also if you need repairs look for pentaxrepairs in eBay. Highly reccomended.


Does your 50/1.4 lens looks yellowish?

If it does a little UV light will bring it back to clear. Take the caps off, wrap some aluminum foil in the "rear" element and put the lens in a window sill for a few days. It clears pretty fast

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I've got 3 Spotmatics (one original, two SPIIs) that I've had and used since new. The SMC Takumar lenses are spectacular. I've recently been using a Leica SLR outfit and the comparable lenses are no better, and in some cases flare much more, than those Takumars.


BTW, the Spotmatics do not require Mercury batteries. They are one of the few cameras with built-in regulator circuitry. A 1.5v silver watch battery, if it fits the compartment, will run the meter accurately.


Sadly I can no longer focus mine and diopters aren't an option. So I will probably be selling them soon.

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I also received my first Spotmatic SP with a Super-Takumar 1.4/50mm couple of days ago (bought from Ebay) except mine has no battery and cannot check the meter plus the lens is yellow as mentioned by Pablo.

Kind of dissapointing but I'm a camera freak and will go on i.e. try to cure the lens with the UV treatment and buy some silver batteries (385)as indicated by Ben. I'm encouraged by the pictures posted above, really nice performance. In the meantime I'm going to shoot using my Carl Zeiss Tessar 2.8/ 50mm. It should work well. I thank you all for your comments, it helped me as well. Happy shooting,

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re: Yellow 50/1.4

If you are shooting black and white, use it.

It will increase the contrast a bit and be as sharp as it should be.


re: batteries

Join the spotmatic group @yahoo, there are lots of data there, including batteries that work, how to make adaptors, etc.

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Glad to hear you've joined the Spotmatic "congregation", TW. I love mine, though over the years it's aquired many battle scars. It's a tank though, and keeps on going. Every once in a while one of those dreadful "If you could have only one camera" threads comes up. My eyes water, smoke comes out of my ears, my head hurts, and then the answer comes to me. It's always the Spottie. Put the f1.4 Super Tak on it and make like a photographer. It's a natural.


Nice work BTW.

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