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My Nikon 24-85 AFS sticks

john y.k. lee

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You have an high-quality lens, mid-range rather than consumer variety. The zoom mechanism should operate smoothly throughout its range. No lens, whatever the price, whould require force to operate. Something is loose or broken. Send it to Nikon for repair. It may still be under warrantee.
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Mine is exhibiting the same symptoms, although sporadically. At times, it seems to get stuck at 28mm and at 50mm. Having bought this lens used and without a manual, I figured it might be there for a reason. Perhaps not.
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"Roberto Totaro

Could you please explain what's the relevance of the camera body type to John's question?"




Sure, a 'G' lens on a N8008s (F801s) body may focus at a different speed than a F5 body. The N8008s (F801s) body can use the 'G' lens in P or S modes, but the AFS really doesn't get a chance to zip about like it would with a newer (D100, D2H, F100) body.





Does that help?

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I am using a F100 body, and the problem is definitely in the lens. It catches at 28mm, and I have to force it to get to 24mm. Unfortunately, I'm going on a trip soon and can't afford to leave without this lens. It is quite frustrating. I'm going to have to look into whether I bought it USA or Imported.
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