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120 Color Neg Film (but not for weddings)


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Seems as though 120/220 negative films are designed mainly

for wedding photographers - Portra NC and VC boast relatively

low contast and fabulous flesh tones; ditto for Fuji NPS and



For shooting travel, landscape, street, still life, etc., where richer

colors and deeper contrast are often desireable attributes, I'm

seeking recommendations. Fuji and Kodak preferred.



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with the loss of Ektar 25, the sharpest C-41 film around is

Konica Impresa 50. Reala 100 is a close second. AGFA Optima 100 would be

a good choice also. Some folks prefer the pallette of NHG-800.


I've shot Fuji Super G+ 400 in 120 rolls. Isn't that still available, but

in the newer rendition, Superia 400?


Many people feel you get the best results printing brand X color negatives

on brand X paper. that would suggest that you really should consider

the entire workflow path all the way to print and choose combinations

of film and paper that will produce the look you want for your

landscapes etc.

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How about Fuji NPC? Recently released by Fuji, it's said to have increased contrast and wide exposure latitude - although it is aimed at the portrait photographer, so it may not have the really sturated colors most photog.'s look for in their landscapes. I plan on testing it over the next month or so - if anyone has already used it, what's your opinion?





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{{Seems as though 120/220 negative films are designed mainly for wedding photographers }}


Exellent point - this has been a problem for years with professional print films along with vivid films like Kodak PRN being retired by duller ones like Portra VC for marketing considerations. The photographic industry is very lopsided in terms of too many professional portrait print films and too few commercial/graphic ones.


Fuji NPC isn't bad and is certainly the most vivid of Fuji's emulsions, but it's not that remarkable either, and is certainly not an Ultra-50. Reala is certainly the better film, but it has quite a bit less contrast than NPC although color saturation is about the same. NHG is the best all around print film available in 120 format.


I'd also recommend fiding a Fuji Frontier and lab that can proof from MF. Proofs of the Fuji system on Fuji paper are substantially more vivid than conventional proofs.

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(NHG is the best all around print film available in 120 format)


Is that NHG or NHG II - correct me if I am wrong but I believe that Fuji discontinued NHG? If it is NHG II that Scott is refering to, how does it rate with some of the other films mentioned given its 800 speed and the loss of grain?


Also, what do people think about Supra 100, 400?

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{{believe that Fuji discontinued NHG? }}


Fuji makes *one* NHG film in 120 format (NHG 400 hasn't been made for years). Typical of pro Fuji print films, NHG 'II' prefers a bit of over-exposure and works best around 640. A very flexible and wonderfull film in all formats, but shines in MF.


The Supra films, especially 400, are very intense in terms of color saturation, but they aren't available in 120 format. Konica Impresa has an interesting palette with dark, burgandy reds and creamy blues, but it's certainly not what I would consider a vivid film.


Agfa is running their replacement for Ultra 50 in trials in Europe right not, but it's pure skepticism if it will make it to the states.


Threads like these make me want to kick my self for not getting a case pack each of Kodak Pro 100 and RG 25 (similiar films) and froze them. Kodak does offer a Gold 100 variant in 120 format, but it's tough to find and I always found it to be vastly inferior to Gold 100 amatuer, which is a decent film and always deserved a legitimate run in 120 format.

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I recently revived a couple of roll film cameras almost entirely for the reason that I can use real Reala in them. I bought all of three rolls, along with some NPH, to try out the cameras. (No sense in getting lots of film if the cameras don't work, right?) I'm hopeful that I will like NPC, but I'm sure it's not Reala.


I think I'll be in a bad mood for a while, now. Is Kodak going to take away Verichrome Pan soon, too?

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