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How to add authentic looking signatures?

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(I'm not certain what you're asking for; when I hear the term "digital signature," I think of authentication of computer code.)


But if what you want to do is "sign" your images with your personal signature (i.e., handwritten), rather than typing it in with whatever exotic typeface, have you considered simply signing a piece of (white) paper, scanning it, and knocking out the background (replacing the white background with transparent), and then saving the result as a file to be imported into your images?


My wife and I send out far too many Christmas cards each year to sign them all, so years ago I scanned and saved both our signatures. Now I just create a card layout, insert our signatures and print all the cards. It's lazy and possibly disingenous, but it saves our writing hands each holiday season.

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A scanner is pretty cheap nowadays, about $50 bucks sometimes. If you can get one and scan your signature you'd have it made. Also, I saw a tutorial for Photoshop where you can turn your signature or any text into a brush! Then just grab that brush and swipe it over your image to place it. Pretty cool! I'll try to find it and post the address!

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I found a tutorial for the brush. I didn't think of this til I read part of the tutorial, but I am assuming you have a digital camera. If you don't, a cheap scanner is the way to go. Any way, you can use your camera as your scanner! Just photograph your signature! Duh! I wish I'd thought of that!


Heres's the addess:




Hope this helps!

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