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Would you dare to use the M with your clients?


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"Oh, and on the question of do clients express surprise at me using

such little cameras-yes quite often. I have had trouble convincing

people that they are serious cameras capable of doing a good job."


Quoted from Craig Hoehne in previous post.


I feel the same way after reading it. I like the M very much,

indeed, it is a better camera than Nikon and Canon in term of

quality and tone scale. A pleasure to use on street because it looks

friendly to strangers.


Unfortunately, almost no one recognize it and I get no respect when

using the Leica M in wedding or graduation situation. My term of "no

respect" means that people tend to focus their attention more on the

bulky SLR than my Leica M3.

Maybe my camera is too old but my 50mm lens is not.

What can I say!


Well, in reality, couple fall in love in first sight. I agree.

Reality TV shows have proved it too. What can I say!

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I still often use an M3 with 35 �cron (with eyes) and a Leica Meter MR on top,

so the camera looks a little exotic buy today�s �ugly monster camera�

standards. I simply tell the client that yes it is 40 years old and it is the best

35mm camera ever made (BTW I don�t actually believe that �Leica Ms being

the best camera in the world� guff)


If it is the M7 that is in question, I just tell them what in cost. In Australia the list

price for an M7 is $5200 (Aust) and lenses come in at around $5000 (Aust)

and above. So 10 grad sounds impressive. Adding that if they want me to use

a $2000 dollar Japanese camera like everybody else, I�ll go and buy one but

the job will cost more.


In all seriousness, to avoid all this I regularly have an R9 with a large looking

lens conspicuously hanging off my shoulder when I first meet the client. Then I

put it back in the bag and get to work with the appropriate M.


When I use the R9s I�m instantly pegged as a Pro, even when I�m out for

personal shooting session, and this can be a distinct disadvantage. In this day

and age people are suspicious of photographers with professional looking

cameras. You can get away with a lot more with an R6 or M than you can with

the R9. A Leica M is a much less threatening instrument than a DSLR, F5,

EOS or R9, which makes it a good tool for portraiture.



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I bought a Bessa R and a Nikon digital camera at roughly the same time. The Nikon

came with a daft sticker announcing its "resolution" (number of pixels). I carefully

unpeeled this and attached it to the Bessa. You probably know somebody who

knows somebody who's recently bought a digital camera and has such a sticker; if

people see that your M offers at least 5 megapixels, perhaps it will get more


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Is your Bessa 5 MP interpolated or straight up? Now you don�t need to invest

in the Cosina-Epson RD-1, brilliant!



Fantastic suggestion, but I think in this, MP counting equals quality

environment that persists around here, the Leicas will need at least an 8 to 10

MP sticker.



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When I shot weddings with an M6 and M4P, nobody said anything. I think if you've got a

couple of cameras around your neck nobody says anything. Sad isn't it, judging by

appearances ? A lot of people need reassurance to be fair that their money is being well

spent. Perhaps a decoy 5" x 4" on a wooden tripod would be a good idea.

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