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Flash Brackets


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Just purchased a Bron ERTRSi and Quantum T2 flash. Outfit exceeded

my expectation. However, the Stroboframe RL2000 flash bracket is a

piece of crap. I could put a gummy worm on my tripod and it would be

more stable. Flash arm wobbles even when hand held. Mel in CA and I

agree that Stroboframe is popular, but we can't figure out why - must

be marketing genius and the spiffy sounding name. For his money he

recommends Siegelite M2RT. What are some of your experiences with

flash brackets? Do any of the current available flash brackets have

$$ and solid use in balance? Signed: Weebles wobble, but they don't

fall down....

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I am with Mel on this - I have a Siegelite Stratos, very solid.

I use it with a Mamiya C330 and a Bronica S2A. No problems. Aircraft

quality aluminum and large solid base with non-slip tread. And the

flash arm (while getting the flash 'up there'), flips out of the way

for WLF. Check it out - approx. $60.00. (You can see their ad in

Shutterbug - the one with the oh so attractive model!)

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Greg, it's good to hear that the Stratos is a solid bracket, but

otherwise, it appears to be designed much like the Stroboframe. Lest

anyone get confused about the models, let me point out that yours is

totally different from the M2RT I recommended to Alan. The M2RT is

made of Lexan, is extensible, and is hinged at the base and at the

flash support.




I have thought of one more benefit I forgot to mention to Alan. If

the need arises, you can remove the camera from the bracket/flash,

then impale the latter down onto the 3/8" post that sticks out of the

top of light stands. The thing will wobble around a bit, but won't

fall off. No mounting hardware needed; just a bare lightstand and the

M2RT bracket.

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  • 3 months later...

I have a Stroboframe for my 35mm system (Quick Flip). I didn't want to go the Stroboframe route for my Bronica, and did a lot of checking and finally decided on a Newton bracket. I've only had it for about a month, and really only used it in one situation, but so far I like it much better than the Stroboframe.


Search for their website (www.newtoncamerabrackets.com - I think). They have an 800 phone number that you can call. Robert Newton usually answers the phone himself and is a real pleasure to talk with.

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