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Michio Hoshino


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Many of you have seen the late Michio Hoshino's fabulous bear, moose

and arctic wildlife photography. I am curious whether or not anyone

has run across a translation of his diaries. His writing matches

his "eye" in the view finder. I am looking for whatever I can find.

So far everything has been in Japanese. This guy was a real artist.


Ben Macri

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Not really an answer to your question, but I thought I would weigh in on Michio Hoshino...


On our first trip to Alaska many years ago, my wife and I were in Denali at the Eielsen Ranger Station. We had just stepped off the bus and noticed a big crowd of photographers on the back deck of the visitor center. The subject of their interest was a mother Grizzly with 2 cubs who were feeding very close by. Rather than try and elbow our way onto the deck, we walked back to the parking area and stood near a lone photographer who was shooting the bears from a different perspective than the others. We briefly exchanged pleasantries and then quietly enjoyed the spectacle. Later in the bookstore my wife was browsing through "Grizzly" by Michio Hoshino and made the connection between the author and the photographer with whom we had been enjoying our first close Grizzlies in Alaska. We immediately bought the book and he was gracious enough to autograph it for us. It is one of our cherished souveniers of that trip.


We were saddened to hear of his death a few years ago, but it caused us to pull out "Grizzly" and remember both Michio and our first Grizzlies in Alaska. He was both a talented and dedicated photographer.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In the Alaskan Heritage Museum (probably not the official name) located on the University of Alaska campus in Fairbanks, there is an entire room dedicated to the works of Hoshino; his photographs and writings. I recall seeing translations, but not necessarily of all his writings. Perhaps you can contact the museum for information.


Seeing Hoshino's photography in large print is simply awesome.

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  • 6 months later...

Hello,Mr.Macri. I'm a Japanese who is living in Japan.

I'm a big fan of Michio and of course I have some his diary or essay. Every books are real great,philosophical and it makes me feel something like... a simple,strong and important things. To be honest,my english skill isn't good,you know. But I have some friends who speak english very well,and I wish you could touch a Michio's work.

So if you don't hurry, I will translate his essay little by little(Because I have a work,I can't do so many pages at the same time.I'm sorry.).

If you don't mind, please contact here "classic@a2.ocv.ne.jp"

Anyway, I think I'm a happy to touch his work too.


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  • 5 months later...
In case you are not aware of it, there is a relatively new book out, THE BLUE BEAR, by Lynn Schooler. Mr.Schooler is a guide in Alaska who became frineds with Michio Hosino and the book is in a large part about their friendship and experiences together. Published by HarperCollins Publishers.
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  • 7 months later...

The 2001 special exhibit Mr. Everett mentioned above, <a href="http://www.uaf.edu/museum/exhibit/galleries/hoshino/index.html">Coming Home: The Photographs of Michio Hoshino</a>, is now available to view online at the <a href="http://www.uaf.edu/museum/">University of Alaska Museum</a>.


<br><br>Several of Hoshino's diary entries appear in English on this site, as well as images, interpretation, and other Hoshino prose. Enjoy!

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