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Need (maybe a lot!) of help!


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Hi everyone!

I'm a beginner photographer and one of my friend asked

me to take artistic nudes of her as a gift for her boyfriend. I

always wanted to do nudes, but I realise now, more than ever, that

it's gonna be a great challenge!!(Please don't look at my portfolio

since it sucks, I improved my skills since these pictures!). Now my

big problem is lightning. I have a good ideas of the shots I want to

take, like a single source of light to create strong shadows on her

body. I'll go B&W, and since I have access to 'Stage lights'(I mean

these spots they use at shows and concerts) I was wondering if it

was a good idea to use them with a controller for the intensity...

Or maybe I could use just a normal bulb light with a reflector to

direct the light since I had good results with this so-much-basic

technique on others types of B&W... So, what should I do? Oh, and

what type of film should I use?? and what ISO since i'll go studio??

200 ISO?

Anyway, sorry if my questions sounds a lot crappy but since I

virtually don't have any budget....


Thanks! Etienne

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Start in a room with only one window, and make a simple background. Have a sheet of white foamcore for a reflector, which you can prop against the back of a chair, for a fill light. Use a tripod and let your friend find a pose that she can hold for a 1/4 second. Look at photographs by Imogene Cunningham, Bernice Abbot, Judy Dater, Ed Weston... t
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