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Pentax 645 Zoom or prime autofocus lens


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I am looking forward to buy a used Pentax 645N for my

MF set up. Currently I have 2 offers to consider with

the same body of Pentax 645N but with different lens

set up. The first come with FA 45mmf2.8 and FA

150mmf2.8. The second se come with FA 45-85mmf4.5 and

FA 80-160mmf4.5 lens. All lenses are autofocus and the

price different is not that much, probably around USD

300 more for the zoom set up. Is it worth to buy the

zoom set or the fix focal lens? I realise that the

zoom will be more heavy and bulky but my reading

suggest that the quality of pictures of the zoom are

as good as prime. Is it true especially for medium

format? I also love the convenient of not changing

lens and my shooting mostly consist of landscape. For

telephoto I'll stick with my Nikon set up.

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If you can swing it, you might want to cosider the 45-85 along with the 150/2.8.

This is the exact setup that I have. The 45-85 is generally thought to be just as good

or better optically than the primes, and I would have to agree. Having the zoom

ability in this focal length range really allows you to do a nice job of framing

landscapes. And I can't say enough about the 150/2.8. Most of my favorite shots are

taken with this lens. If this makes any sense at all, the 150/2.8 is simply a joy to own

and use. People, pets, isolation landscapes. Everything looks good through the

viewfinder with this lens. I've heard the 80-160 is a good lens optically, but I was

warned to start weight-training if I was going to buy it. I haven't regretted buying the

150/2.8 for a minute, and you probably won't either.

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If money is not your main issue, AND if you are picky about image quality in a big print beyond 11x14, then go for the prime set. The prime set is not complete yet, you will need to get the 80 mm and the 120 mm range as well, which means eventually more money. Because your main subject is landscape, then you can afford more time to set up, and prime lense on a tripod will give you a better quality image, not only from slightly higher resolution, but also from much less distortion and much more natural perspective. If you are shooting mostly people which require you to shoot quickly, then zooms.


I myself opted for a Contax 645 with 5 prime lenses.



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