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Which brand of ND grad filter to get?


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I'm thinking of getting a cokin P series square filter system, and

noticed a large price difference between the cokin nd grad filters and

the others, like tiffen and singh-ray. Will I really notice a quality

difference if I spend $125 on a tiffen filter instead of $18 on a

cokin filter?

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just parroting here, others with direct experience please chime in. The cokins are said to have a nasty color cast, Hitech makes decent plastic ones for $20-30, Lee makes nicer plastic ones for $50, then tiffen and singhray are $$$. I use the Hitechs and have no objections to them. search the archives on those brand names.
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Agree with the above except that I can't tell any difference

between Hi-Tech and Lee ; that whilst I've never used Singh Ray

there doesn't appear to be anything in the spec that makes them

worth a lot more than the others. Tiffen are glass incidentally

which has advantages (less easily scratched) and

disadvantages (break easier).


I also use Hi-Tech. Whatever brand you buy, do some testing

with/without to ensure they're really neutral, and get them

replaced if not.

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I have used most of these filters. I decided upon investing in the Hi-Tech system because I can use the inexpensive Cokin holders (I like to cut them down) and optical perfomance is right there with the Singh-Ray and Lee filters. Since they are significantly less expensive, I don't have to be tentative to pull them out in the field when conditions are dicey. I have found them to be neutral.
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I have the S-R myself, but also wish to comment on the format of ND filters. I have high quality circular (non-graduated) as well for full frame effects. A square filter holder is the only way to go with a grad ND, otherwise the horizon line and composition are bound together.
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I've also found Cokin filters to be mediocre. For graduated neutral density I use Hitech, and have no complaints with them. Alhough from what I've heard it seems Singh-Rays are even better, at less than half the half the price Hitech is a much better buy. The best source I've found for for filters of all sorts is <i>The Filter Connection</i> at <a href="http://www.2filter.com">www.2filter.com</a>: excellent prices, excellent service, and lots of filter information on their web site.
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I have one S.R filter and one Hitech GND and I can't really see much of a difference between the two optically. One thing that is different though, is the length... My Hitech is much shorter than the S.R. which prevents using the filter with the horizon at the very extremes (top/bottom) of the frame. Perhaps Hitech make some longer ones that I'm not aware of, but this is occassionally a problem with the Hitech filter. YMMV.
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