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Voigtlander cotton strap

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I have this strap and it is NOT adjustable. However, it might suit your needs anyway as I find it rather short to begin with. I'm 5'11" with average torso and it is just too short for me (not to mention overpriced at $25.00 from Stephen Gandy) Sigh!

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<p>The straps that come as standard with the Bessa L and R (brown and

black respectively) seem fine to me. They're not wide, and this means

that they're light and flexible. Some unknown company sells very similar

straps in Japan that are available loose for <a

href="http://www.xe.com/">¥500</a> each; these are good enough

for my other cameras. They won't scratch your camera. The D-rings

might. If that prospect worries you, you can cover them with


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This is the reason the Leica forum exists I guess. Perhaps there should be a "Camera Strap" forum. Or, how about a "Common Sense as Applied to B&W Photography" and of course..."Common Sense Applied to Color Photography." Still waiting for the Pinhole Forum. Generally, Pinholers are not too concerned about straps. Tripods maybe, but that opens up a whole other kettle....


This probably belongs in the Philosophy of Photography forum (which grant has pointed out is just down the hall,) but exactly how many angels CAN dance on a Leica strap. More to the point...how many angels would want to?

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In fact, I got this strap and it was unadjustable. Someone told me that I got the wrong one from Voigtlander. I just want to know if indeed this was true and whether someone found a solution to adjust it. I guess not. End of fun-poking :). But I do have an elegant solution for using the existing M strap without marring the MP. And its looks very neat and tidy, without resorting to any protective tapes. As I said, watch this space, as I'm not telling yet ... :):)
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Hi. Here is a picture of how I fixed my Leica straps so they don't rub the finish. The one on top is from my M4P its an older kind of strap. You can't do that with the new strap because the plastic slider doesn't come off. The bottom one is from my new black MP I just used pliobond to glue a piece of soft leather to just the inside of the slider. You almost can't see it from outside. Hope this helps someone. Well now that I have my scanner working I will upload some pictures when I have time. Thanks. Ben.<div>007qzi-17320984.jpg.a2c65af52ab6765d5f70c7666280aae1.jpg</div>
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Max: I've been using the Tamrac straps. These are adjustable, have quick-release, and have the non-slip rubber like the Domke grip strap. They are also rather wide, so the camera doesn't feel so heavy, and is gentler on the neck. Of course the Domke is good, but the last part near the camera is just a thin ribbon, and seems too fussy to me. I might have a different opinion if I tried one, though. The Tamrac is more uniform in width, and I believe it handles better.


Both straps attach with split rings. I haven't noticed any rubbing. I believe the nylon of the strap protects the camera fairly well. The metal rings don't seem able to touch the camera. The Domke does come with the little leather inserts, though, for (probably) better protection against rubbing--which I suppose is more of an issue with black paint.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The suggestion about not using a strap at all may be misguided. The benefit of a NON-stretch strap is that if you keep it short (so the camera will only just go under your elbow if you hold the strap up)you can have the strap over one shoulder, take the camera up to your eye, and pull on the strap to steady the camera for slow shutter speeds (an old Leica trick that is not often repeated). A short strap is also safer if it falls off your shoulder but you catch it with your forearm.
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