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New "Member"/First photos/CARNIVALEeFIRENZE


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I do not own a scanner and process my film/prints "the old fashioned



Used a friends film scanner for a couple strips so I thought i would

post them, FWIW. They are significantly reduced in quality as I am

unfamiliar with posting large 4meg files.


These are easy pictures, I know (I hate easy pictures), and being in

a beautiful place, it is easy and I avoid them like the

plague..nonetheless perhaps some of you may find interest.


Hopefully I may post some good "smart" shots some day if I hang

around...as I am very passionate about photography...and of course

LEICA, and would enjoy constructive critiques and opinions.


They were taken last week or so and take place both at the Venice

Carnivale and here in Firenze (Florence). It was snowing a great

deal in Venice and the weather has been very unusual at this time in



Again, nothing special..tripod on night scene. 35mm and 50mm 'crons.



Kind regards



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1. Welcome!


2. When posting images via the attachment method, pelase make sure they are under 500 pixels on the longest side & under 100K in size. Anything larger will not appear inline. Also, you must leave a caption... even a space or a ** will do. If you choose to post via link, it is common practice to make sure the image is still not that large so that people do not have to scroll to see the whole thing.


3. Nice reflection ya got there :-)

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I think both picutres are nice and interesting. Not very good scans though.


Reducing the size as Heather mentioned will help viewers to see better. I have to scroll around to see the entire picutre.


Welcome on board.

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Thank you for your note. I will, my apologies. I hope this is close enough...


These Ponte Vecchio shots were taken a month or so ago now when I first purchased my M6Ti.




This shot in Venice seems very simple I know, but I liked it and don't think it would have worked so well and harmonized without the overcast/snowy day, blending the white window borders and signs to help bring it together.


It says, soft and quiet to me..and although a postcard, it works damn*t!! I think anyway...


Kind regards.


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Thank you for your kind replies...italian scanner..it is older than me.


Yes, it was snowing in Naples..unheard of..hope the weather does improve for your journey.


Will make these smaller, the "blocking" should be solved, as well as, display..


Kind regards.


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correction: 35 for Ponte Vecchio 50mm for others Fuji Reala ALL


..fire eater. not so special, but hand held and pleased something came out..


Cannot believe this is all I have scanned! I would prefer to share "my personal" shots to submit for critique. Someday I may purchase scanner, but it is not my thing really to be honest.





Take care e a presto. Paul<div>007bs9-16916284.jpg.3840fa59c4e18fba618fe9685840c0b0.jpg</div>

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I like the fire eater. The shot of Ponte Vecchio and of Venice are

nice but common. The fire eater has possibilities. A thin black

border would have separated the white of the fire from white of the

the page. But it is kind of fun the way it is. You just feel the

fire coming at you.

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Last one..


35mm while on vaporetto (water taxi) after purposely breathing on lens for effect which turned out alright I think.. No photoshop tricks FWIW..I hate that.


I hope you all resolve your problems here on the forum. It CAN BE an outstanding resource and I have enjoyed very much learning and being part of the Leica communities.


Any thoughts much appreciated.


Take good care.


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Thank you Alex for your thoughts, and others. I posted it only as I was pleased something came out as it was all guess work! Very impressed that it came out so well senza flash and hand-held!


Yes, I know I am at present still playing with the possibitilites of my Leicas and lenses really....


Hopefully I can post some personal things where I may receive help and criticisms regarding the direction and composure of my photography which is what I want most of all here.


C'e vediamo,


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Welcome. Nice photos Paulo. I have a similar shot looking the other direction (down the river) from the south bank of the Ponte Vecchio, got the small castello in it and a couple of lovers kissing. It's my wife's favorite pic. After my last time in Firenze (1997), though, I swore off going again. Way too crowded with people like me (tourists!).
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Welcome Paul, Are you using a release cable? I thought maybe you were trying to hand-hold the first until I saw your mention of tripod and 5-7 seconds..... There appears to be shake in the first and so I wondered if you touched the camera to release the shutter, or if your tripod was shaken by traffic, etc. Others are less fuzzy. Great start. Keep it up! Night shots are still a mystery (read: guess work) to me!


Ray Hull

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No problem at all Markus...nice shot.

Hopefully I can scan some more this wekeend..


Please post more of yours. I for one would love to view them...and one can learn a great deal (as you well know) as everyone's individuality comes through, no matter if everyone here took a shot of the same thing I bet all of you old friends could see whose foto is whose...you know?



Please post more if possible. It would be interesting.


Take care.


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Those are really nice shots Markus. Seriously, I am not easy to please...



Seems we have a little "com-pay-tish-yone" here (bad french accent)..


...I am gonna go back and really work it...kinda unfair as I am only 3hrs away by train...but hey what can you do...and you motivated me.



Going to report back on "hopeful" progress...may be a week or so...




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