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Admin: Using the New 'No Words' Forum

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Greetings forum,


Just wanted to pass on that I uploaded a photograph to the new "No

Words" forum entitled "Bike Riding." I made sure to select

the "Leica Photography" category. The whole process was very easy

and quick.


At some time in the near future we will have a special link to

our "category" within that forum. What this means is that the No

Words forum will effectively be like a sub-forum to our main Leica

forum, kind of like a little "side room." This should help to keep

our community together. I really do encourage you to try this new

feature, and to look forward to that special link.

<p>Now, with all that said, let me just verify that "No Words"

threads are welcome here on the Leica Forum just as they have been.

Once we get that link, though, I'm sure you'll see how it will tie

the two forums together, and at the same time keep the forums better

organized from the perspective of those who would rather not see the

NW threads in our midst here on Leica.


Repeat: "No Words" threads are welcome on the Leica forum! (And I

owe Josh a beer for being so tolerant of them, even though he can be

a bit fussy at times :-) !)

Backups? We don’t need no stinking ba #.’  _ ,    J

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I'm a lot less fussy when I get some beer in me. WOOT!


Anyway, I'm stoked to see that the W/NW forum is being created. It's not that I hate the idea of w/nw threads, it's just that I prefer to see a DISCUSSION forum used for discussion.


I like the idea that the "Leica" subset will eventually be linked from the Leica Forum page. That's one disadvantage that Photo.net has compared to other discussion forums on the internet. We have grown in such a way that there is no logical system to set up a "Leica:OT" or "Leica: W/NW" areas within the normal Leica forum.


Still thought, best photography site on the web.

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One thing I would like to see would be keeping the W/NW topics broad like they were intended to be. While Alex Shishin's "W/NW. Performer at Sunday Flea Market, Himeji" had some interesting photos, it really wasn't something that others could contribute to. How many people have photos of a flea market performer from Himeji Japan? Almost nobody. A more inclusive title would simple have been "W/NW: street performers" or even "W/NW: Flea Market".


I'm not picking on Alex. I just used his thread because he's a good sport and I know he won't mind helping me make an example.

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One reason I'm happy about the new W/NW forum is that it removes the Leica

exclusiveness and makes clear that everyone is welcome. But selecting the Leica

Photography category contradicts that. I'd hope that only topics genuinely related to

Leicas (e.g. the Bokeh on your luxicrons, and not "bike riding") would get posted to the

Leica category.


But, I'm still not a Leica shooter, and this is the Leica forum, so I guess you can feel free to

ignore my hurt feelings and continue to be exclusive.

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David Eppstein, you've gotten me totally confused! But let me just say that I think the "catagory" thing in the No Words forum is as much for "community" sake as it is for "brandname" sake. I could be slightly off on this, but that is how I interpret the intent of the new forum.

Backups? We don’t need no stinking ba #.’  _ ,    J

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Tony, I don't know if this work is all that necessary or not, but it may of course help many NW and/or W/NW freaks to find more quickly what they love most. The main thing here and now is that I am again overwhelmed at how much you do, to try and keep our

community together.

<br>Best regards, Mike.

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Was it a conscious decision to omit the name of the initial poster in the threads of the new No Words forum? It seems to me that will make it less likely that people will post there or open the threads. I sometimes open a W/NW thread if the topic looks like one that will generate some interesting responses. However, I am most motivated to take the time when I recognize the starter of the thread as someone whose work I admire.
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It was a deliberate decision to omit the name of the person who starts a theme on the forum index page. I think this underscores the point that the person posting a new thread is starting a theme to which other people also will contribute. There is no reason to identify that thread with the person who happened to post the first picture, and not with any of the other people who contribute to it.


The same logic actually could apply to threads in regular forums, but there is the weight of tradition or convention against that.

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Only the index page is "anonymous", since it lists themes only, not the person who started each theme. In the actual threads, each person's name is shown above his/her photo (and message), as usual. Give me a reason why the person who starts a NW thread deserves his/her "name in lights" more than any other contributor to the NW thread?
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Well, I consider it 'editorial' ...so I think the original poster should get some credit for the theme... also, while the forum credits are understandable, they also reinforce the idea of separate communities, which I think won't help the No Words forum to develop as a forum/community in its own right, but rather as an general archive of N/W's threads generally speaking.
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I think the equipment categories work against the concept of a pictorial conversation. It's restrictive & exclusionary. I thought the whole point of a new w/nw forum was to enable anyone, regardless of gear, to participate in the 'conversation'...
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The categories in the NW forum correspond to the other forums. Some of those are equipment-oriented. Others are more general. Then, there is the oddly-named Leica Forum, which is weird blend of equipment-oriented forum, photo gallery sub-site, and general discussion group, and seems to be about its participants, as much as anything else.


Anyway, that is neither here nor there. The idea is that the forum-specific categories within the NW forum will become the place for people in each of the forums to post NW threads, rather than directly in the forum. There will also be categories in the NW forum that will not be tied to the other forums.

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The difference is that the People/Nature/Travel forum tags accurately reflect the content of a conversation and are generally open to all who wish to participate, while assigning a Leica/Canon/Nikon tag to a w/nw thread does not and further restricts who may or may not participate according to the forum rules...no?
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I should say 'more accurately reflects' as it isn't a complete representation of the conversation...furthermore, thank you Brian, Jeff, Tony, Josh, Patrick et al for your time and efforts...they do not go unappreciated...
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Reina, well, what the posting guidelines currently say in the NW Forum is that the equipment-oriented categories are restricted to that equipment. However, the Leica Photograrphy Forum will "own" the Leica Photography category within the NW forum, and can decide what is permitted in that category. If, for some reason, you want "your" category within the NW forum to be another general category rather than just for Leica photos, I guess you can. Seems kind of confusing, though.
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"If, for some reason, you want "your" category within the NW forum to be another general category rather than just for Leica photos, I guess you can. Seems kind of confusing, though."


It isn't that I want "my" anything...really...it's just that I was hoping it would be a place that photographs from all walks of life could come together as one, without regard to color, creed or SLR orientation....;)

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I agree with Reina.

Individual forums should have a link that directs straight to the NWs forum (where all photos gather) and that's it. This is what Tony was saying right?


The categories in the current NWs forum makes little sense IMO.

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Let me point something out, Josh. I while I didn't see any of our members at the flea market in Himeji that Sunday, it was an open invitation for people to publish photographs of street performers or flea markets or something related to both. There have been lots of photos of street performers in this forum in the past so this was hardly an impossible invitation.


I agree with Leanne on the need to give credit for lead W/NW photos and frankly fail to understand Brain Mottershead's rational above.


Thank you, James. I do confess to using disposable panoramic cameras and absolutely loving them.


In general, I think this is a nice set up, Tony.

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