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Digilux 2 with only 1 year warranty???


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OK.....so, as we all know, traditional Leica cameras carry a 3-year

Passport warranty from Leica.


But I have not read anything official that the Digilux will have a 3-

year warranty.


In fact, the only thing in print I have tracked down is on the B&H

web site under the "specifications" tab on the Digilux....and it says

a 1-year warranty.


Bummer if that is true.


Anyone have any info?




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I collected my D2 on Wedneday. It has a three year warranty but not a passport. I am still working my way through the manual but my first couple of "snap" shots looked extremely good. Much lighter than my M7, which was a surprise the first time I picked it up, although it seems pretty sturdy. The user interface seems designed for photographers, which is an improvement on some other manufacturers' approach.
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Two questions which I forgot in my short time with the D2 at the dealer yesterday.

<br>First, what do you think of shutter lag?

<br>Second, what do you think of the weatherproofing of the camera (rubber seals or any signs of leakproofing)? <p>I too was generally pleased by the quality of the shots compared to the Canon 10D, Sony 828 and Olympus E-1 (see my post here: <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=007WIa">Click here</a>)<p> The only concern I had was some Chromatic Aberration of tree branches against the sky. Have you had a chance to test that?<p>

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Yes I am in the UK.

I haven't had a chance to get out with the camera as yet. Need to earn the money to pay for the Leica habit!

Not sure about the weather proofing. All the external hatches seem much better engineered than on my Canon digicams (10D and G5). It all feels very solid but light. My dealer has not had any 69mm filters through yet so the front element is a bit vulnerable. Weekend shooting will be done with extra caution!And we have ice and snow in the forecast!

Shutter lag much less evident than on the G5, which I have now sold to a work colleague. Nothing can touch an M, obviously, but given the electronic tasks that need to be carried out between first shutter pressure and release I think Leica/Panasonic have done a good job.

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Leica Style Warranty is .... 1 year for the Minilux.


I suppose Leica knows when they sell unreliable stuff like the Minilux (want to buy one, only 2,5 years old with a broken shutter -E02- after other flaws which mainly happen to occur on long hikes for which the dammned thing was bougth?).


Well, you have to admit that it is a nice trick: buy unreliable stuff (I am only referring to the Minilux, don't know about the Panasonic) from other manufacurers, put a Leica label on it and sell it for a Leica price to those (like me) that can be tricked (but only once) into believing that Leica is quality, top that with a one year warranty....


If you want a Panasonic camera, I suggest you buy a Panasonic and save a couple of hundred dollars.

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