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Images taken with Leica Screw Mount lenses

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Dont suppose someone here can point me to some images taken with

Leica Screw mount lenses, any will do, though specificly, the

Summaron 3.5cm f3.5 and Elmar 5cm f3.5 are the two im looking at

that are with the IIIC body. I've looked everywhere and can't find

any images taken with them to see how the quality is, just a bunch

of photos of them. they are sitting right here, I know what they

LOOK like :P I wanna know what they produce ;)



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Sorry, John, but many of Cartier-Bresson's most famous images (probably not "Gare Saint-Lazare" but those taken later in his career), were not made using a Leitz/Leica lens @ all--for a long time he favored the Carl Zeiss Jena 50/1.5 Sonnar in LTM, as all the high-speed Leitz/Leica lenses until the Summilux sucked in comparison. He also favored the 50mm focal length, so that mostly knocks the 35/3.5 Summaron out, too.
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The only time I saw him in person (c.1981), he was using a black-rim Summar from the '30s. Also, his most famous image, "Picnic on the Banks of the Marne," was surely made with a 35mm Elmar (the only W.A. from Leica at the time).
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My first Leica had an ancient 50 Elmar (10 o�clock tab) and the front element was corroded enough to serve as coating. I wish I still had that lens. I have a 35 Summaron, still one of the best lenses I have ever owned. I have an M6 and more modern lenses now but as I get longer in the tooth I tend to return to the earlier screw mount cameras and lenses. You can�t go wrong with them and it would take an extraordinarily qualified expert to distinguish their images from those made with contemporary equipment. Supplement those lenses with a 90 Elmar and you'll have an outfit that'll never embarrass you.
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Two years ago I happened to run across a 3,5/3,5 Summaron LTM and a 3,5/3,5 Elmar (I already had and still have a 35/2.8 Summaron-M). The results of all three lenses were pretty equal and I kept the M-Mount due to convenience (no adaptor and normal filters) and since it was the most used one. Results of esp. the coated ones are very nice and only a bit less contrast than modern lenses, which is something some people like and some not. Both are still great lenses, but for a 35mm LTM I still would look also for the Jupiter-12/Biogon copy, which is just quite a bit cheaper and easier to find.


Unfortunately the only pictures I have available are those of the Summaron, believe me, the others are quite similar.<div>007nmm-17234884.jpeg.1538c515f8eb71bb0e3db5f6d39a7f37.jpeg</div>

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In a week or two I will receive a Summar I purchased from an overseas seller. I intend to make the first roll transparency film anyway so if you want to e-mail me later I can send you some scans. You're welcome to suggest subject material but I'm just going for grass, sky and stuff like that.
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Here are 4 photos of the World Trade Center demolition. Dec. 2001. Beware, these are TIFF files about 0.5 mb each, so they may be slow to download. Elmar 5 cm f/3.5, a 1951 model (coated), no filters but hood. Film: Kodak b+w C-41. This was not a red-scale Elmar, but the serial number coincided with the numbers usually attributed to the red scales.









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As soon as i get to work and have a chance, i will check all of these links, but Thank you all very much for your patience in giving me your opinions. Leica forums have always had a stigma of being an intimidating bunch of people, but i've always found you all very pleasant and helpful so thanks again. :) btw, i used to use a different id here, so I have been here more than the my join date suggests :D
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Here are some shots I've taken with my Elmar 5cm/3.5:


All of these are w/o the aid of a lightmeter


<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27093221">Fuji Astia 100 #1</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27093222">Fuji Astia 100 #2</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27093223">Fuji Astia 100 #3</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27093119">Fuji Astia 100 #4</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27093117">Fuji Astia 100 #5</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27093118">Fuji Astia 100 #6</a><br>


<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/26160186">Fuji NPH #1</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/26160187">Fuji NPH #2</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/26413855">Fuji NPH #3</a><br>


<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27093135">Ilford Delta 3200</a><br>


<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27207505">Ilford HP5+ #1</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/27093167">Ilford HP5+ #2</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/25694869">Ilford HP5+ #3</a><br>

<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/25694867">Ilford HP5+ #4</a><br>



<a href="http://www.pbase.com/image/26160192">Ilford FP4+</a><br>

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Andrew Morang: There is an article in a recent LHSA VIEWFINDER about the Red Scale Elmar. Apparently those lenses within the proper serial number frame but without the red paint are properly considered �red scale� by most knowledgeable collectors as well as informed users, but because they do not have the apparent identification as such can often be obtained at a significant saving.
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