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Olympic NP


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I'll be in Olympic National Park April 6-7 and I have two questions:

1. Will there be wildflowers blooming then? If so, where?

2. I found in the archives some old warnings about mountain lions in

Olympic NP. Are they still a concern there? (I'll be hiking alone.)

Thanks much.

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Can't help with the wild flowers but IF you see a mountain lion shoot quick cause he will be running away. I have lived in the Pacific North West for almost 60 years, ain't been bothered yet, wish I had - would love a photo of one of them critters. Now if you are less than two foot tall it MIGHT be a different matter.
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I was at Caspers Park on Sunday, alone, and ran into one.


I was under the canopy shooting the sun filtering through the trees onto the new plants springing up from the ground. I must have interrupted a mountain lion's lunch or something. I heard his growl (which I've heard before) and he was stalking around the clearing under the tree that I was working in. Only had my 50mm lens with me and left my 300 f4 at the path. Plus he was in the vegetation. Wouldn't come out in the open. No way I was going to try to get close enough for a shot with my 50. :-)


But he was REALLY ticked. Wouldn't stop growling at me. Kept walking around the clearing, around and around.


While I've never had one attack me, I felt discretion was the better part of valor, so I slowly walked back to the path.


Too bad. I liked the scene I was shooting. Never got a shot off (was using a Kiev88, which takes a while to get settled and working..heehee), so I'll have to go back another time.

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I have hiked a number of times in the park. Mountain lion sightings are very rare. Attacks on adults are almost unheard of as long as you aren't trying to do anything stupid. Typically with mountain lions you want to make yourself look large (stand erect, backpack up etc). Make noise as you approach an area. As far as flowers, you may find a few at lower elevations but this is way too early in the season. In the passes you will not typically see them in abundance until July depending on weather conditions. Hope this helps!
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